Atmosphere of discussion in the field of public relations and cooperation between UNESA and Unzah Indonesian Language Education Study Program.
Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) through the Directorate of Public Relations and Public Information and the Sub-Directorate of Domestic Cooperation sharing public relations management and cooperation with Zainul Hasan Islamic University (Unzah) Probolinggo on Monday, December 16 2024.
The meeting took place in the Auditorium LPPM, 6th floor of the UNESA Rectorate Building, Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, was attended by leaders, lecturers and 50 students of the Unzah Indonesian Language Tadris Study Program.
The head of the Unzah visiting team, Juaini, said that the benchmarking at the 'House of Champions' campus was in the context of sharing data and information management in the field of public relations, including collaboration that could have an impact on the branding and reputation of the institution.
"Moreover, as we know, UNESA's branding is becoming more and more extraordinary from year to year. We see that the field of public relations and cooperation definitely has strategies that we need to explore and become references for us," he said.
Meanwhile, Roni as Head of Domestic Cooperation at UNESA said that the 'Home of Champions' campus has a cooperation management strategy whose aim is to improve the quality of the tridharma of higher education. The same thing is also being intensively done in the public relations department.

Togetherness of the public relations team and cooperation between UNESA and the Unzah group.
"Various strategies for expanding cooperation "and this publication is what made UNESA just receive an award at the national level at the 2024 Diktisaintek Anugerah," he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations, Gilang Gusti Aji, explained that the principle of public relations publications at UNESA is to utilize activities such as seminars, webinars, workshops, cooperation or MoUs, including expert ideas, innovations and achievements achieved by the community.
"All these aspects are processed and conveyed to the public through publications on social media and institutional websites, as well as through mass media or fellow journalists," he explained.
Mubasyir Aidi, editor of UNESA Public Relations magazine shares about the management of magazine and website publications. He emphasized consistency in publications, especially print media such as magazines.
According to him, magazines not only function as a source of information, but also as a means of recreation through entertainment sections such as culinary and tourism. “Consistency is quite crucial. "If the deadline is not met, this could have an impact on other aspects," he explained.
For him, reporters are tasked with sharing information, not justifying it. The reader will determine which information he wants to glean. "Publication is important for institutions, at least as a means of branding, increasing reputation and recognition," he stressed.[*]
Reporter: Ajwa Elizia Alwi (FBS) , and Diva Novana Widia Putri (FEB)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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