Campus Director Outside the Main Campus and Head of Public Relations Unesa take a group photo with student teachers, school leaders and the Branch Office of the Education Service and the Pacitan Regency Education Office
Unesa.ac.id., PACITAN�Surabaya State University (UNESA) through the Campus Directorate Outside the Main Campus and the Directorate of Public Relations and Public Information were present in Magetan to socialize the Magetan Campus 5 study program, on Tuesday, March 5 2024.
The socialization which took place in the Hall of SMA Negeri 2 Pacitan was attended by students, teachers, school leaders, and officials from the Education Service Branch (Cabdindik), and the Nganjuk Regency Education Office.

The Director of Campuses Outside the Unesa Main Campus explained about Campus 5 Magetan in front of students and teachers throughout Pacitan Regency
Director of Campuses Outside the Main Campus, Prof. Dr. Sarmini, M.Hum., said that UNESA is present in Magetan as a place for learning, self-development and careers for the sons and daughters of Magetan and the surrounding area.
"Our main spirit is to bring closer access to college for existing high school graduates around Magetan. So, there are no longer any lectures that have to go far outside the city which costs a lot of money," he said.

Students and school teachers throughout Pacitan Regency enthusiastically took part in the socialization and actively ask about Magetan Campus 5 study programs
< p>Prof. Sarmini continued, the system and quality of lectures at Campus 5 Magetan is no different from the main campus in Surabaya, both in terms of learning, facilities, lecturers, and even technical aspects.
Regarding buildings, Campus 5 Magetan has its own lecture building. whose construction is almost complete. The lecture building will be inaugurated right at the peak of this year's UNESA anniversary.

Head of the Public Relations Section of Unesa explained the Study Program and Entrance Path to Campus 5 Magetan
Meanwhile, Head of Public Relations Section, Gilang Gusti Aji, S.I.P., M.Si., explained that the Magetan Campus 5 study program has nine study programs that students can choose from yesterday's SNBP pathway, SNBT pathway and independent pathway. The Magetan campus study programs are as follows:
- S-1 Management (Faculty of Economics and Business)
- S-1 Physical Education, Health and Recreation (Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences )
- Bachelor of Communication Sciences (Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences)
- Bachelor of Legal Sciences (Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences)
- Bachelor of Education Mathematics (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences)
- Bachelor of Elementary School Teacher Education (Faculty of Education)
- Bachelor of English Literature (Faculty of Languages ��and Arts)
- Bachelor's Degree in Informatics (Faculty of Engineering)
- Bachelor's Degree in Cosmetology Education (Faculty of Engineering). []
Source: Campus 5 Magetan Socialization Team
Editor: @zam*
Documentation: Unesa Public Relations Team
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