Socialization of MBKM-UNESA Humanitarian Project, SURABAYA— The Sub-directorate of Student Exchange and Academic Mobility, Surabaya State University again held a socialization for the Independent Campus Learning Activities Agency (BKP MBKM) on Sunday, July 7, 2024 online. The socialization on the seventh day was related to the humanitarian project program. A total of 400 applicants were interested in taking part in the program.
The Head of the Student Exchange Section, Supriyanto, M.Pd., explained that the humanitarian project has a vision to train students to have social sensitivity which is useful for exploring and deepening everything. problems that exist in society, especially problems regarding humanity. The hope is that it can be the right solution to improve people's standard of living with dignity and global competitiveness.
In its implementation, the Sub-Directorate of Student Exchange and Academic Mobility will collaborate with the Crisis Center Mitigation Unit (SMCC) to deploy 10 students took part directly in humanitarian activities.
"In 2024 UNESA is committed to sending 10 students for humanitarian projects and collaborating with the Council of State Higher Education Chancellors and the Educational and Cultural Attaché (Atdikbud) of the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ," he said.
He added that the 10 selected students would later be divided into two groups, namely five students who were active at INTI International University and Colleges in West Malaysia, while the other five students were active at Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) in East Malaysia.
During MBKM, students are focused on helping the children of unofficial migrant workers, where they do not receive proper educational services, especially normal education.
Head of Sub-Directorate for Student Exchange and Academic Mobility, Dr. M. Jacky, M.Si., said that the children of migrant families are not stupid. They are not poor either. However, they are blind in reading, writing and arithmetic (calistung).
“To communicate with their friends, they usually make telephone calls and video calls, they can't type. "Well, this is where the task of students who take part in humanitarian projects is to play a role, one of which is teaching them calistung," he said.
Furthermore, other activities that students can carry out while implementing MBKM humanitarian projects include disaster mitigation programs, establishing resilient villages, establishing disaster-safe schools, and socializing stunting.
According to him, implementing humanitarian projects is not easy, because the main focus is to save human lives. The campus does not just implement MBKM based on government programs, but is also required to take part in helping to build and develop its human resources.
He hopes that the output of humanitarian projects can be achieved well, including preparing students who are superior and have social sensitivity. "Don't let UNESA students graduate only smart on the intellectual side. "They must have character, morals and have high social sensitivity towards others," he added.
Furthermore, the main requirements for this humanitarian project program are for students who will be taking the 5th semester. If there are 3rd semester students who want to take part in MBKM then their status is only a volunteer, it cannot be converted to MBKM grades.[]< /p>
Reporter: Fionna Ayu Shabrina (FMIPA), and Muhammad Dian Purnama (FMIPA)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA Public Relations Team
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