Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–Sanggar Bharada UNESA once again showed its role as a regional art studio by holding a Kethoprak performance on Tuesday, December 24, 2021. The event was held at the residence of Yohan Susilo, S.Pd., M.Pd., as the studio supervisor, in Keret Village, Krembung District, Sidoarjo , on Tuesday 14 December 2021 and broadcast on the BharadaTV_ID Youtube channel.
Kethoprak which is a collaboration of lecturers, students and alumni of Regional Language and Literature, Faculty of Language and Arts UNESA in commemoration of the 57th Anniversary of UNESA as well as celebrating the success of the Regional Language and Literature Department occupying the 3rd position in the Jawametric nomination, an international ranking of the majors. who studied Javanese culture.
With the theme "Greget Performing Arts ing Mangsa Pandemic", this art performance involved around 70 students, 40 alumni, and 4 lecturers. They managed to attract the attention of the people who attended. This event also brought famous guest stars such as Jo Klithik & Jo Kluthuk.
In addition, it was also attended by several figures such as Dr. Trisakti M. Si, dean of the Faculty of Languages and Letters UNESA., Dr. Surono S. S., M. Hum., Head of the Department of the Faculty of Language and Letters at the UNESA Region. Yohan Susilo S. Pd, M. Pd., Head of the Laboratory of the Faculty of Languages and Arts UNESA., and Danang Wijayanto S. Pd, M. Pd., Advisory Lecturer in the Regional Language and Literature Department of UNESA.
Dr. Trisakti M. Si., in his speech conveyed his pride for holding an art performance like this as a manifestation of the students of the Regional Language and Literature Department of UNESA who are trying to preserve traditional arts in the midst of globalization and modernization.
The main purpose of this art performance, he continued, is to build a sense of brotherhood among alumni, lecturers, and students of the Regional Language and Literature Department. This event was held on the idea of alumni. Before the pandemic, the alumni of the Regional Language and Literature Department of UNESA had also held a similar event and on one occasion had participated in the CAMPURSARI event on TVRI East Java using the name "Bharada Legend".
He continued, performing arts like this is an annual program. As much as possible should be implemented. Even though it's still a pandemic period, we, the UNESA Regional Language Education family, continue to hold joint performances. "I have confidence that the cohesiveness of alumni, students, and lecturers of the UNESA Regional Language and Literature Department will make the names of the Departments, faculties, and universities more widely known," said one of the alumni at the event.
Through the play "KI AGENG MANGIR WANABAYA" which is packaged in two series for two days. The play is an epic of the land of Java in the era of the Mataram kingdom which was dramatized using Javanese Mataraman style. It is said that, in the era of the Mataram Kingdom, there was a competition between Ki Ageng Mangir Wanabaya as the ruler of the land of Kemangiran and Panembahan Senopati as the King of the Mataram Kingdom.
Panembahan Senopati is afraid of Ki Ageng Mangir Wanabaya because he has an heirloom of the Barukuping spear which is more powerful than his own. On the other hand, Panembahan Senopati wanted the land of Kemangiran to be part of Mataram's power. Therefore, Penembahan Senopati was suggested by Juru Mertani to bait Ki Ageng Mangir Wanabaya with women who act as ledhek or Tayub art dancers, then infiltrate the Land of Kemangiran.
Ki Ageng Mangir Wanabaya is single and interested in Tayub's art. Panembahan Senopati sent his daughter Retna Pembayun as an intruder under the pseudonym Pamikarsih to steal Ki Ageng Mangir Wanabaya's Barukuping Spear.
Seeing Pamikarsih's beauty, Ki Ageng Mangir Wanabaya was captivated, he married Pamikarsih as his wife. Apparently, Pamikarsih also fell in love with Ki Ageng Mangir Wanabaya and forgot about his duties. Their happiness disappeared when Pamikarsih admitted that her real name was Retna Pambayun, daughter of Panembahan Senopati. At the end of the story, Ki Ageng Mangir Wanabaya is willing to face Panembahan Senopati who is his father-in-law, and unexpectedly he is trapped by Panembahan Senopati's trick. [UNESA PR]
Author: Saputra and Ahmad Rizky Wahyudi
Editor: @zam*
photo: Bharada studio committee team
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