Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The UNESA Regional Language and Literature Department Student Association held a public lecture with the theme “Sinau Nyerat Jawi Literature Modheren Minangka Panuwuh Generation 5.0 Nresnani Jawi Literature” on Sunday (12/09/2021). As a resource person, Prof. Dr. George Quinn, expert in Modern Javanese Literature and as a senior lecturer at the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
George Quinn conveyed about how to love Javanese literature with a broad insight. "Javanese literature emerged and developed 20 years ago in a decentralized manner, and there is the influence of the Indonesian economy and digital technology," he said. In its development, Javanese literature is supported by the development of the Indonesian economy and digital technology, making it easier for readers to access the works of Javanese authors.
In addition, it also cannot be separated from the influence and support of regional accents or twists on Javanese literature. For example in the novel "Geger Wong Ndekep Macan" which is in Pengiyongan (Banyumasan) language. "The author of the novel uses the Banyumasan language which has been published since 2010," he said. "The famous author Ahmad Tohari published the novel Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk in Banyumasan Javanese," he continued.
There is a lot of Javanese literature in the story that uses the typical Javanese language of the region. Another example is the short story "Aku Professor Temen" which was written by Trinil using a Javanese twist, Surabaya. The government through a congress also plays an important role in preserving the love of the Javanese language in the regions. The government fully supports it, one of which is by holding the Java Script I Congress which is a breakthrough by the government of Central Java, DIY. "Javanese literature has an interesting journey and struggle and is important for generations to learn and appreciate," he explained. (Madina/zam)
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