Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) sent 31 of its best delegates to take part in the XVII 2023 National Student Quran Tilawatil Musabaqah (MTQMN) which was held at Universitas Brawijaya Malang, on 3-10 November 2023.
The departure process was held in the Rectorate Lobby, Lidah Wetan Campus, on Thursday, November 2 2023. The delegates sent were students from various study programs who had talents in the field of MTQ and had passed the selection stages from faculty level to university.
The MTQMN event is held every two years by the Ministry of Education and Culture and Technology and aims to develop student talents in the field of MTQ. There were 15 competitions held and attended by 2,447 students from 281 universities throughout Indonesia.
Director of Student and Alumni Affairs (Dirmawal), Dr. Muhamad Sholeh, S.Pd., M.Pd., said that in MTQMN 2023, UNESA sent a contingent of 31 caravans or delegations. It is also hoped that this event will be an opportunity for students to perform and show their achievements to win on the national stage.

"Our target is to be able to excel in the top 10 in 5 competition branches and be able to achieve the best performance, because since training I have seen something that stands out and that is our mainstay, with the help of Allah's power, hopefully it will be more than our target. ," said Sholeh.
Previously, said Sholeh, the UNESA delegation had gone through various stages of internal campus selection as well as preparation for 2 months of intensive training with ustad and ustadzah.
“Each branch has its own supervisor so I hope I can achieve maximum results while in Malang. "I hope that the children will always show UNESA character, remain polite in maintaining the good name of the alma mater, always be confident in showing that UNESA is the Home of Champions," he said.
Similarly, Director of LPPM UNESA, Prof. Dr. H. M Turhan Yani, M.A., added that this event is the right momentum to see how the potential, competence and skills of UNESA students taking part in MTQMN, not only have academic skills but also excel spiritually.
"Hopefully this is the first opportunity after Covid-19 to continue the relay of UNESA's good record of achievements, because previously, thank God, the UNESA delegation in the MTQ was always in the top 10 in Indonesia and this year we hope and have a delegation target. "UNESA is able to become the top 5," he hoped.
Supporting student achievements, the party continues to provide support and accompany students, so that achievements continue to increase, and are able to increase the KPI in the field of student affairs and develop non-academic talents.
Meanwhile, the Director of Prevention and Management of Campus Strategic Issues, Prof. Dr. Mutimmatul Faidah, M.Ag., was also present at the release. He explained that MTQMN is the official agenda of Belmawa Dikti which consists of various competitions related to the Koran, and is a program equivalent to PIMNAS, PEKSIMINAS, and others.

Where the achievements of this event are recognized to support the KPI of higher education. "Even though Covid-19 stopped, and this year it was held offline for the first time, we really sent superior delegates from various screening processes," he said.
The 2023 MTQMN competition branches are: Tilawatil Qur'an (TQ), Tartil Qur'an (TL), Qira'at Sab'ah (QS), Hifzhil Qur'an 10 Juz (HQ10), Hifdzil Qur'an 20 Juz (HQ20), Hifzhil Qur'an 30 Juz (HQ30), and Khaththil Qur'an (KQ) Decoration Group.
Next, Khaththil Qur'an (KQ) Contemporary Group, Fahmil Qur'an (FQ), Syahril Qur'an (SQ), Scientific Writing of the Qur'an (KTIQ), Debate on the Content of the Qur'an in Arabic (DA) and English (DI), Application Design Al-Qur'an Computer (DAQ), as well as the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW (MMN). []
Reporter: Muhammad Azhar Adi Mas'ud
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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