The seminar, which was attended by hundreds of Surabaya and Madiun PAUD teachers, emphasized UNESA's commitment together with the Surabaya City Government and Madiun Regency Government in improving the quality and welfare of teachers as an important foundation towards a Golden Indonesia 2045.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) through the Center for Recognition of Past Learning (RPL), Professional Certification Education Institute (LPSP) held a seminar in the Meeting Hall, 9th floor of LPSP UNESA Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, on Monday, November 4 2024.
The activity, which was attended by a number of resource persons from academics or practitioners and policy makers, carried the theme 'Development of Quality Teachers through RPL Pathways to Build the Golden Generation 2045.'
Awang Dharmawan, Head of the UNESA RPL Center said that The seminar was attended by 195 Surabaya City PAUD teachers and 53 Madiun Regency PAUD teachers, all of whom are currently studying in the BA PG PAUD study program.
This seminar presented three speakers, namely Martadi, an education expert and Deputy Chancellor for Division IV UNESA , Yusuf Masruh Head of the Surabaya City Education Office, and Siti Zubaidah Head of the Madiun Regency Education Office.
This event was opened by Maspiyah as Head of the Professional Education and Certification Institute (LPSP UNESA). The Head of LPSP explained that Indonesia's target for advancing to build a golden generation is to improve the quality of education for its human resources.
Therefore, increasing the competence of teachers in Indonesia is valuable, because teachers will be the ones who will produce Indonesia's golden generation in 2045 He also emphasized that UNESA is committed to maintaining academic quality for all students who enter the RPL route.
"Moreover, many RPL pathway students at UNESA have long had valuable experience as teachers, so there is no denying their awareness of learning and learning. "The enthusiasm for developing knowledge is much higher," he said.
In the material session, Martadi reminded the importance of building ethics and developing competence as a teacher to build the golden generation of 2045.
Teachers are designed to have qualifications S1/D-IV academics, so that the RPL pathway becomes a bridge for Early Childhood Education (PAUD) teachers or mothers whose educational levels are not yet linear, to have the opportunity to have their portfolio records assessed, so that if they are adequate and valid, they can be recognized for course learning outcomes.

This seminar was attended by the leadership of the rectorate, faculty, LPSP and the UNESA community.
Apart from that, Martadi also emphasized the importance reorientation of the role of teachers in the era of digital technology disruption, because new media technology such as the Google application has become a reference source of knowledge.
Even so, teachers are still very much needed because the role of teachers is not only to teach but also to act as an educator, which cannot be replaced by YouTube, artificial intelligence (AI).
"Moreover, the role of kindergarten teachers is very important to build a foundation in instilling the basic educational and psychological development of children," he said.
In the next session, Masruh explained the role of the Surabaya City Government which is committed to providing scholarships to PAUD teachers to continue their studies at the BA PG PAUD level.
The aim of providing this scholarship is to improve the abilities of Surabaya City PAUD teachers, so that they can provide knowledge and national insight and early character education for children.
He explained that teachers must have four competencies, namely personality competencies or personal abilities that reflect the teacher's professionalism and morals. Pedagogical competence, namely the ability to understand students through learning and actualizing the potential of students.
Social competence, namely the teacher's ability to communicate and socialize in the school environment. And finally, teachers must have professional abilities, namely the teacher's ability to professionally master learning and curriculum materials in depth.
Next, Siti Zubaidah emphasized that, RPL is a concrete step for quality Madiun district education, and reforming the teacher development system from experience to professionalism, because there is a system for recognizing teacher experience in courses.
He also acknowledged that RPL increases teaching motivation and enriches the competence and qualifications of teachers. The future target is that after participating in RPL, they can continue to take certain Professional Teacher Education (PPG) at the expense of the local government or independently, so that PAUD teachers who pass the RPL route can have teacher competency certification.
In this way, allowances and Teacher welfare can increase, and is in line with the quality of competence possessed by teacher competence. For this reason, the Madiun Regency Education Office has provided scholarship assistance to 53 PAUD teachers to be able to study undergraduate PG PAUD at UNESA. [*]
Author: UNESA RPL Central Team
Curator: Muhammad Dian Purnama (FMIPA)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA RPL Central Team
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