Discussion of the UNESA business concept map with the Head of the Education Ecosystem Integration Task Force from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).
Unesa.ac.id. , SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) through the Directorate of Law, Management and Bureaucratic Reform discussed the business concept map at Favehotel Sidoarjo, on Thursday, November 21 2024. This activity carries the theme "Business Concept Map as a Framework for Higher Education Governance that is Accountable and Free from KKN."
In his speech, Deputy Chancellor II for Law, Management, Finance , Resources and Efforts, Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, said that this activity was a concrete step for UNESA to strengthen higher education governance with integrity, transparency and accountable.
He emphasized that the core or core business of higher education is carrying out the academic process in a transformative, transitional and transformational manner. This can only be achieved through good governance and perfect implementation of business processes.
Thus, the goals of higher education as a public institution can be achieved optimally and can be accounted for in accordance with applicable procedures and rules.
Structured governance will make it easier to achieve goals and increase comfort in managing the institution. This activity is not only an evaluation of 2024 achievements, but also the beginning of strategic planning for 2025.
"With thorough preparation, it is hoped that UNESA can implement future programs better," he said.

This activity was attended by UNESA Deputy Chancellor II and his staff, as well as work units related to business within UNESA.
As the resource person, Jermia Tjahjono Djati , Head of the Education Ecosystem Integration Task Force from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) provided in-depth insight into the importance of business process maps in supporting the integrity of higher education governance that is free from corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN).
This step is part of efforts to realize higher education towards a zone of integrity that is committed to accountability and transparency.
In his presentation, he explained various forms of behavior Corruption is still found in higher education, such as fake proposals, gratification, misuse of scholarship funds and even bribery for new student admissions. He emphasized the importance of integrity as the main foundation in good higher education governance.
“Business process maps and anti-corruption strategies must become an integral part of the higher education ecosystem. "By integrating information technology, transparency and regulations that include reward and punishment, universities can build governance that is accountable and free from corrupt practices," he said.
The Head of Sub-Directorate for Bureaucratic Reform at UNESA, Eni Wuryani, explained the importance of business process maps in improving efficiency, accountability and quality of service at UNESA, as well as the role of government regulations in encouraging universities to implement business process maps.
“ Each directorate and "The work unit has a special focus on ensuring all operational activities comply with standards of integrity and good governance," he explained.
This event was attended by various UNESA internal stakeholders, including university leaders, faculties and work unit representatives . This discussion reflects a collective commitment to understanding and implementing better governance through business process maps.[*]
Reporter: Mochammad Ja'far Sodiq (FIP)< /p>
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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