Discussion on Strengthening the Management of Cooperation and Public Relations of UNESA and UNUD Higher Education Institutions
Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA�Surabaya State University (UNESA) received a visit from Udayana University (Unud) Bali, in the context of Benchmarking Management of Cooperation and Public Relations on Thursday, July 25 2024 at the Lidah Wetan Campus 2 Rectorate Building.
Related to this activity, Deputy Chancellor IV for Planning, Development, Cooperation and Information and Communication Technology, Martadi said that this visit was very valuable for both parties, both UNESA and Unud, to share experiences in managing cooperation and public relations.

The lecturer at the Visual Communication Design Study Program (DKV) Faculty of Languages ��and Arts (FBS) explained that as a university From a cooperation perspective, UNESA's State College of Legal Entity (PTNBH) has a specific target to continue to increase the Main Performance Indicator (IKU) points and various rankings.
One example, he added, is in the next five years. in front of the 'Home of Champions' campus, it is targeted to be ranked in the top 5 in the ranks of PTNBH campuses.
In addition At the same time, UNESA's ranking also continues to be pushed to reach the top 500 World Class University rankings. "What can be taken and learned from us, hopefully it can be implemented in the existing environment at Udayana," he said.

UNESA and UNUD leadership after sharing strengthening cooperation and public relations at the UNESA Rectorate Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, Surabaya.
The Coordinator of Cooperation and Public Relations at Udayana University, Hamidah Yunus, admitted that he was interested in the cooperation and governance system. public relations at UNESA.
He and his entourage wanted to learn about UNESA's strategy in achieving many achievements from the ministry, regarding data mapping, work patterns in the two fields in question, IKU achievements, and even efforts to participate in the Diktiristek Public Relations Award. "There are many things we want to know and learn from this visit," he said.
For the efficiency of activities and focused discussions on each topic, the Udayana University Cooperation Coordinator team and the UNESA Director of Cooperation and Information Technology and Data Center team held a meeting on the 7th floor. Meanwhile, the Unud Public Relations Coordinator team and the Directorate team UNESA Public Relations is on the 8th floor. (*)
Reporter: Putra (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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