Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA–Entering the Student Activity Unit (UKM) recruitment period, Surabaya State University (UNESA) held an UKM EXPO at the Multipurpose Building, UNESA Ketintang Campus, on Monday, August 28 2023. 42 UKM registered follow these activities.
The activity was opened by the Director of Student Affairs and Alumni of UNESA Dr. Muhammad Sholeh, M.Pd. He said the UKM exhibition was finally held again, after having been in a vacuum for so many years.
"Thanks to the enthusiasm of UKM administrators, this activity can be carried out, both at the Ketintang Campus and the Lidah Wetan Campus. UKM is important for students as a forum for developing interests and talents as well as self-exploration in non-academic aspects," he said.
The chief executive of the UKM EXPO, Satrio Agung Pambudi explained, this exhibition would last for 4 days or until August 31, 2023. He added, this exhibition was a bridge that brought students closer to UKM that matched their interests and talents.
Students can ask questions directly about superior activities and programs as well as the goals of UKM and even the work to the achievements of each UKM. That way, students can choose and determine which UKM is suitable as a place for self-development.
In the exhibition, it was seen that each UKM was competing to attract members and the attractiveness of the participants. Like the Population UKM, for example, which features leading activities such as national seminars and their linkages with the National Family Planning Coordinating Board (BKKBN).
The Head of Population UKM, Desya Rostyani said, the UKM she leads is under the auspices of the East Java Province BKKBN. Their booth was filled with displays documenting the leading activities of the last few years, as well as the achievements of its members. Apart from that, there are also mini games with prizes.
Another UKM that is no less persuasive is the Horse Riding UKM. They showcased the various advantages of equestrian sport and its health benefits. They even invited students to ride horses.
The Head of Equestrian UKM, Rahma Nadiya informed that this UKM only took 2 representatives from each faculty. Their commitment is to produce athletes who demand intense and consistent training programs. The two representatives selected must go through a selection interview to ensure their readiness.
Meanwhile, the Student Scientific Activity Unit (UKIM) displayed a number of achievements they won in various competitions. Chairman of UKIM Muh. Luqmanul Hakim explained that the UKM he leads focuses on training, writing and research. "UKIM has been established since 1998, founded on the basis of 4 spirits, namely writers, researchers, activists and entrepreneurs," said the PGSD student.
Attending the cast, Windi, freshman of Psychology Study Program admitted that it was helped to get to know UKM in UNESA through the exhibition. According to him, an exhibition like this could be held in a bigger place, considering the many booths and participants who took part in the activity.
This exhibition also included performances for university and faculty officials. performances from the UNESA Choir and the Self-Defense and Dance Association. "We as the organizers of all UKMs thank you profusely for this opportunity," said the chairman of the UKM EXPO 2024 committee. [*]
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Reporter: Joy Nathanael
Editor: @zam Alasiah
Photo: Documentation from Public Relations Team
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