The dress rehearsal will be arranged exactly as the graduation procession will be held on March 8-9 2014. Participants must know the sequence of the procession. "Most importantly participants can recognize the position of their seats based on their respective faculties" he added. Concern for graduates is very helpful for the smooth graduation. " Including concern in attending the dress rehearsal " said Pak Yatno so commonly called. Participants will know in advance the route parking lot location for the family and the seating position. The 79th graduation will be held in two days so that the procession is more solemn. The following division. On Saturday morning March 8 2014 the graduation procession was intended for graduates from FIP (368 graduates) and FBS (184 graduates). Then Saturday afternoon on the same date participants will be joined by Postgraduate (224 graduates) FMIPA (150 graduates) and FE (164 graduates). On Sunday morning March 9 2014 graduated graduates from FIS (155 graduates) FT (313 graduates) and FIK (150 graduates). (yy / syt)
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