FK UNESA's lecturer team provides education about health and digital literacy according to the level of students at SIJ.
Unesa., SURABAYA—The Faculty of Medicine (FK) Lecturer Team at Surabaya State University (UNESA) continues to contribute to improving the quality of public health through Community Service (PKM) activities. This activity, which focuses on two important youth issues, was carried out at the Jeddah Indonesian School (SIJ) on Sunday, September 29 2024.
The implementers of this activity include Dr. Dr. Endang Sri Wahjuni, M.Kes., Nur Divine Anjani, S.Ked., M.Kes., Abdul Fauzi, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep., Satria Eureka Nurseskasatmata, S.Kep., M. Kep., Nidya Comdeca Nurvitriana, S.Tr.Keb., M.Keb., and Fedelita Aistania Putri, S.Keb., Bd., M.Kes.
Endang Sri Wahjuni, chief executive said that one of the problems faced by junior high school students is a lack of knowledge about the menstrual process. They don't fully understand what happens to the body during menstruation, which causes confusion and discomfort.
"Knowledge about puberty and menstruation is very important to help female students deal with physical and emotional changes better," he stressed.
Implementation of activities includes counseling on adolescent reproductive issues carried out online via Zoom with prepared modules, followed by SIJ High School students, as well as offline physical health checks aimed at SIJ Elementary School teachers and students, with pre-tests and post-test to measure participants' level of understanding before and after counseling.
Apart from menstruation issues, the FK Dean also highlighted the challenges faced by high school students related to free access to information on the internet and social media. High school students often access the internet without adequate supervision, so they are vulnerable to being exposed to inappropriate content or even misinformation.
Apart from that, the FK UNESA lecturer team also carried out health checks for teachers at the Jeddah Indonesian School.
According to him, Digital literacy is a crucial thing to teach so that students can sort information wisely and not be carried away by the flow of wrong information.
The counseling provided by the PKM FK UNESA team focuses on two main materials, namely education about puberty and menstruation for junior high school students, as well as digital literacy for high school students. He hopes that students will be ready to face the changes that occur to them with sufficient knowledge, both in terms of reproductive health and in the use of information technology.
In counseling for junior high school students, he explained about the stages of puberty, which is a period of important transition from childhood to adulthood. Puberty in girls is marked by the first menstruation or menarche.
"Menstruation is a natural process that must be well understood by every woman. Symptoms such as breast pain, headaches, and Stomach cramps are a common thing, but with the right understanding, they can deal with them more calmly," he said.
Meanwhile, high school students received counseling regarding digital literacy, which included the importance of filtering the information they get from the internet. The FK Dean also emphasized that in the current digital era, information can be easily accessed, but not all of it is suitable for consumption.
“Students need to understand the limitations in accessing online content. "They must be able to distinguish which information is valid and which is risky or inappropriate," he explained.
He also encouraged students to be more critical in using social media, so as not to get caught up in information that could damage their thinking patterns. With this outreach, the team hopes to have a positive impact on the development of SIJ students, both in terms of health knowledge and digital literacy. []
Reporter: Mohammad Dian Purnama (FMIPA)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: PKM Team FK UNESA
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