According to Haris Ardiansyah as the Chair of the Surprising Market Committee at PTC "Dont make this event a burden for the final project but make this event a party for all of us to work" he said. This shocking Market event which took place for three consecutive days not only featured student work but was also filled with various entertainment including bands break dances body painting cosplay video lipsing contests and DJ performance. According to this bearded man the theme " Shocked Market " taken because the market itself is a meeting place for buyers and sellers where interaction is bound to occur so that "Market Shock" is the right theme for the committee. "During the three-month preparation the event was organized by students who took part in the exhibition so that the obstacle was that we should be able to divide the time between taking care of the stand and making work and preparing the event" he added. This man who was born in Surabaya hoped that the cast of "Market Shock" & "; foreign investors (the world) can come to work with them.
The works displayed by students are adjusted to the companies they are collaborating with so that the works displayed are religious ranging from education clothing food sports travel and others. One of the students who presented his work Aminatuz Zuhro presented an educational theme namely design in catalogs posters ex banners magazine advertisements brochures and merchandise in one of the high schools in Krian the costs incurred to make these works were around 1- 2 millions. He hopes that after this exhibition in addition to getting grades from lecturers he also hopes to be able to work with companies that come to the stand. [Tirta Sari Megahari_Humas]
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