The annual National Student Scientific Research (PIMNAS) 2008 event is held again. The PIMNAS XXI will be held at UNISSULA (Sultan Agung Islamic University) Semarang from July 14-19 2008. The holding of PIMNAS XXI Unissula is one of the national scale student competitions that took place during various crises. Energy crisis food crisis and various crises that shock human consciousness around the world. As a scientific competition that is expected to be one of the solutions to various problems that plagued the nation this crisis certainly has a deep meaning. Is not in any bad condition the wisest choice is to try to always think clearly and positively and give the best. The theme raised in PIMNAS XXI is to Build Positive Attitudes and Achieve Achievement for the Improvement of Nations Competitiveness. The titles that will be competed in PKM (Student Creativity Program) are: "Establishing Interactive and Communicative CAI (Computer Assisted Intruction) Media Business For Early Childhood" Chair: Siti Kresnowati Members: Sekar Sari Yulia Rosdiana Saragih Yuni Fitria Kandy Advisor: Ari Kurniawan "Business of Making Trembesi Seed Tempe as an Effort to Increase Community Income in Kedungguwo Village Sukomoro Magetan &"; Chairperson: Hidayatul Kholifah Member: Estu Setyo Paweling Rahmah Pancawati Supervisor: Alimufi Arief "Utilization of Coconut Dregs as Learning Media in Local Content Subjects (Skills) for Class V students at SD Dupak IV Surabaya " Chair: Ferriany Eka V. Members: Denik Cahyaning Tiyas Ferrany Eka Valianty Ettik Febriana Anjarwati Eka R Supervisor: Madewi Mul Mulna " Effect of Coating Material Type on the Quality of Plant Fiber Furniture Products (Rattan Banana Sheep and Water Hyacinth) " Chairperson: Agung Purwanto Members: Bayu Eka A Rizki Rahmawati Dwi Septyarini Layli Nur W Advisor: Rudiana agustini "Optimization of Sulfate Content Against Plasticity of Lapindo Mud Tile Raw Material and Tile Secretariat " Chairperson: Susianah Members: AI Y Effin R Alvia Muvantir Nur Ainun M Fajar Nishfuls Advisor: Suyono In addition Unesa also sent 1 team to an English debate contest and a team to exhibit the work of students from several faculties at Unesa. (ari)