Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - The government is currently revising Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System (Sisdiknas), which is 19 years old. The draft law (RUU) is entering the formulation stage by involving stakeholders including universities.
For this reason, the Legislative Team for the Expertise Body of the DPR RI made a working visit to test the concept of the National Education System Bill to the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) on Friday, March 18, 2022 at the Auditorium, 11th Floor, Rectorate Building, Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya.
Ricko Wahyudi, the Working Team for Data Collection on the Draft Law on the Expertise Body of the DPR RI said that the working visit was intended to collect data and receive input from UNESA experts regarding the bill.
The substance of the bill
According to him, the National Education System Law 20/2003 is still relevant and many aspects are preserved. However, he continued, there are some substances that really need to be adjusted and perfected. "For example, the definition of operators and education personnel is related to the age of compulsory education, then it is reconstructed again about national education standards to the issue of education funding which is designed from the APBD and APBN," he explained.
In addition to improving the substance of the old law, the draft formulation of the bill also includes additional substances, including a master plan or an education roadmap. It is intended that national education has a solid and strong grip going forward so that within a certain period of time it is not easy to change.
One of the problems is also about the use of the word education administration and management. "The concept or draft of this bill is not final, but will continue to roll and even develop based on input from experts including UNESA experts," he said.

The urgency of the bill
Meanwhile, Suprapto, UNESA Deputy Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance said that education is a long-term investment for the nation. The progress of nations and countries in the world, one of which is influenced by human resources. The aspect of human quality is the key to progress. Only through education can superior and advanced human resources be printed. So how to print Indonesia's golden generation, we need an education system design that not only answers short-term problems, but also goes far into the future," he said.
He appreciated the steps of the working team to formulate the bill, which came to, discussed and asked for proposals from university experts. "Hopefully, from this meeting, there are several UNESA formulations or proposals for the improvement of the National Education System Bill. What we are currently formulating will determine the future of our education world," he said.
Expert Proposal
On that occasion, several UNESA experts proposed several points for the improvement of the National Education System Bill. Professor of Education, Prof. Budiyanto conveyed that the curriculum aspect in the Bill should not only look at what has happened recently or only answer problems. However, furthermore, it must be futuristic or far-sighted. Then it is also necessary to give appreciation and accommodate aspects of the rules for the education of children with special needs or disabilities.
Meanwhile, UNESA Curriculum Expert, Dr Bachtiar S Bachri emphasized that in the National Education System, educators must really be paid attention to, considering that teachers have an important role as designers of future education. Therefore, teacher education needs to be given a sufficient portion in it.
"Teacher education needs to be strengthened, not only academically but also professionally. This professional education is appreciated because it is held by a university that has an educational development system. Our suggestion is that the aspect of professional education should be carried out by universities that have competence in related fields, for example teacher-LPTK," he explained.
The suggestion also came from the Director of Vocational Studies at UNESA, Dr. martadi. He said that related to the profile of Pancasila students, which contains six values, it must be harmonized with the discussion of the bill so that the implementation of the policy will have a big umbrella and characterize Indonesia. In addition, it is necessary to emphasize the implementation of face-to-face education which is no longer an interaction between students and teachers, but also how to facilitate students or students with the presence of various new learning sources.
"This will be relevant to vocational education not only in higher education but also in vocational schools because it prepares students for certain competencies at various levels to be ready to enter the world of work and industry," concluded the UNESA Education Specialist. The discussion on the bill was attended by members of the drafting team from the DPR RI and the leadership of the rectorate, deans and deputy deans as well as experts around UNESA. (UNESA PR)
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