Sutojayan residents took part in training in making additional food held by FK UNESA lecturers.
Unesa. AC ID. SURABAYA—The Community Service Team (PKM) of the Faculty of Medicine (FK) Surabaya State University (UNESA) held a Training on Making Additional Food which was attended by 60 participants at the Sutojayan Community Health Center, Blitar Regency on July 12 2024.
Nur Illahi Anjani , S.Ked, M.Kes., one of the PKM members said, this training is important to equip community health center officers and the community with the ability to make healthy and nutritious additional food.
"This training is important to meet nutritional intake "The condition of hygiene, income and low social status causes less attention to nutritional intake, which contributes to the problem of stunting," he said.
In Indonesia, the prevalence of stunting reached 24.4% in 2021, even though it has experienced a decline from the previous year. East Java Province had a stunting prevalence of 10.7%, and Blitar Regency recorded 17.4% in 2019 and 15.7% in 2020.
"Reducing the prevalence of stunting is a priority for Indonesia's sustainable development to reduce the number stunting will be as much as 40% by 2030," he explained.
Direct causes of stunting include consumption of food that does not meet balanced nutritional needs and infectious diseases. Maternal parenting patterns, which include nutritional and psychological parenting patterns, play an important role in preventing stunting.
Education about balanced nutrition, clean and healthy living behavior, as well as increasing maternal knowledge about nutrition and good parenting patterns are key steps to prevent and overcome stunting.
Stunting usually occurs due to a lack of important intakes such as animal protein, vegetable protein and iron, and is often related to poverty and low levels of knowledge about nutrition.
Taking these conditions into consideration, Anjani emphasized the need for education and training for the community, especially mothers who care for toddlers, regarding balanced nutrition and making additional food as steps to prevent stunting.Through this activity, it is hoped that can increase health knowledge and awareness in the community, as well as make a positive contribution to community health efforts in Blitar Regency, especially Sutojayan District.
This training involved a number of FK UNESA lecturers consisting of Nur Illahi Anjani, S.Ked, M .Kes; Dr. Hanifiya Samha Wardhani, M.Kes; Dr. Christine Indrawati, M. Kes; Dr. Yuniarti Arbain, M. Kes; Dr. Dwidia Mertasari, MPH; and dr. Inensa Khoirul Harapan, M.H. Kes. []
Reporter: Muhammad Dian Purnama (FMIPA)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: PR team UNESA
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