Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The Tarung Derajat UKM, State University of Surabaya (UNESA) demonstrated its capabilities in the East Java Province Student Sports Week (Pomprov Jatim) which was held by the East Java Indonesian Student Sports Development Agency (Bapomi Jatim) on 26-27 March 2022 at Pertamina University Brawijaya University.
A total of 11 athletes who took part in the championship managed to emerge as the overall champion of the Tarung Derajat Sport by collecting 6 medals; 2 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze. The gain left the hosts in third position which only got 2 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze.
The coach of the UNESA Tarung Derajat UKM, Kharis said that there were 2 categories being contested, namely fighting and movement arts. The fighting category consists of several weight classes. Then the assessment of the fight uses a point system with the provision that it is clean at several predetermined points such as the face and body.
The match system is that the men's fight uses a 2 minute x 3 round system, while the women's fight uses a 2 minute x 2 round system. As for the assessment of the art of motion, it consists of several aspects of assessment, including: preparation, perfection of hand movements, perfection of footwork, beauty of motion, cohesiveness or harmony and closure.
"All these aspects are assessed based on the 5 elements of Tarung Derajat's movement power, namely strength, speed, accuracy, courage and tenacity," explained the man who is also the official.
Athletes who take part in the championship are at least 2 or level two, UNESA students or registered on the pddikt link and have never been a national champion like POPNAS. In addition, from the SME side there is a selection as well.
"Because it is impossible for us to include those who are not physically or mentally ready to take part in the championship, especially in this full body contact fighting championship," he added.
For their preparation the championship is quite short. The training at UNESA is only 1.5 months due to the pandemic. However, the athletes were given a program for training in the area and monitored. Exercise at UNESA 4 times a week and 1-2 hours per day.
Kharis explained strategies to train athletes to be physically and mentally strong when competing; 1) provide physical exercise, 2) get used to a healthy, orderly, ethical and polite way of life, 3) cultivate discipline, awareness and responsibility, and 4) advice to affect athlete performance. The athletes who contributed medals at the championship were;
- The 1st place (gold) for class 55 kg and under was won by Heru Johandi, a student of Sports Coaching Education class of 2021.
- The 1st place (gold) for the 58.1-61 kg class was won by Achmad Chabibudaiman, a student of Sports Coaching Education class of 2021
- 2nd place (silver) for class 67.1 kg and above was won by M arifin Ilham, a student of the 2021 Sports Coaching Education
- 3rd place (bronze) class 61.1-67 kg by Sigit Cahyono, a student of Sports Education class 2020.
- The 3rd place (bronze) class 45 and under was brought by Sekar Arum Mahdi S, a student of Fine Arts Education.
- Heru Johandi together with Achmad Chabibudaiman and Sigit Cahyono won 2nd place (silver) in the Motion Art class.
Kharis advised the athletes to keep practicing and achieve achievements. “Every athlete wants to give their best by winning as many achievements as possible. However, to be able to achieve, is not an easy matter. It takes discipline, hard work, and an unyielding spirit,” he concluded. Congratulations to the UNESA Ranks. [UNESA PR]
Author: Aida
Editor: @zam*
Photo : Personal Documentation
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