Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-UNESA FC played away against Oemar Bakri, the football team of the State University of Malang (UM) at the UM Football Field on Saturday, October 9, 2021. On that occasion, UM Vice Chancellor III Dr. Mu'arifin, M.Pd., Deputy Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation UNESA Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd., and Deputy Kapolresta Malang City AKBP Deny Heryanto, S.I.K., M.Sc.
The Football Match between Oemar Bakri (UM) and UNESA FC is a friendly match between UM and UNESA and the Malang City Police. Sujarwanto said that UNESA FC regularly holds matches with football clubs from campuses, institutions, and other institutions. The main goal through sports is to nourish the body and soul as well as to establish or strengthen the relationship between institutions.
Usually, the UNESA team travels to the headquarters of the opposing team and often opponents come to compete at UNESA's cage. "Because the UNESA field is in the renovation stage and the process of changing the grass, temporarily the UNESA team often plays away," he said. On that occasion, the Deputy Chancellor for Division Four UNESA also played for the UNESA FC team. Meanwhile, the Deputy Chancellor for Division Three UM and the Wakapolresta defended Oemar Bakri. After the match, UNESA's Deputy Chancellor for Fourth Division and Malang City's Deputy Chief of Police exchanged costumes.
According to Sujawanto, the essence of sport is not only to maintain physical and mental health but also to strengthen the ties of brotherhood between universities and institutions. That way, the network will be wider and open up opportunities for collaboration in creating and innovating. "When cooperation is discussed while playing sports and laughing together on the field, there are ideas that arise that are not thought of during a meeting or discussion in an official atmosphere," he said. "Sport for health, sport for brotherhood and for worship," he concluded. [UNESA PR]
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