Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya – In line with the government's mission to build and improve the character of the nation by referring to the values of integrity, work ethic and mutual cooperation to build a dignified, modern, advanced, equitable and prosperous nation culture based on Pancasila through the National Movement for Mental Revolution, Universitas Negeri Surabaya held a Basic National Cadre Course for Gen-Z" on December 5 to 8, 2020 at the Student Center Building Unesa.
Vice Rector for General Staff and Finance, Suprapto, S.Pd., M.T. when opening the event said that the urgency of this activity was held to strengthen the national character and ideology of Pancasila in the next generation. Thus, students remain critical of national issues and are not exposed to radicalism or terrorism.
Similarly, Dr. Bambang Sigit Widodo, M.M, Chairman of the Organizers hopes it will received full support from the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia and the Indonesian Rector Forum (FRI) can continue in the following year.
"This is still the basic level. I hope there will be a mid-level then advanced level. At the end of the activity will be published a national module that can be a reference for the next activities, so we can make the nation's cadres who are superior and resilient," explained Bambang who is also Vice Dean of Student affairs and Alumni.
The activity was held in 4 days was attended by dozens of students from various universities in Surabaya both public and private. Among them are Ubaya, ITS, Ciputra University, UINSA, UNIPA, UM Surabaya and Unesa. These activities are carried out in accordance with health protocols. In fact, before being able to participate in this activity, all participants and committees are required to conduct rapid tests.
Present as a resource person Dr. Listiyono Santoso, S.S, M.Hum, Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Airlangga University Surabaya who delivered material about The Indonesian Society in the Perspective of Culture and Nationality. (meds)
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