Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya – The Diversity in Indonesia is a girt. Basically the diversity of ethnic groups, languages, and cultures in Indonesia was born first than the country of Indonesia. Therefore, a strong foundation is needed to unite and protect diversity, with Pancasila.
This was conveyed by Dr. Listiyono Santoso, S.S., M.Hum., Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Airlangga University Surabaya at the "Gen Z Basic National Cadre Course", Saturday (5/12). According to him, the Indonesian state is a comfortable home for the diversity of ethnic groups, races and religions, because of the very strong foundation of Pancasila and the pillars of nationality.
On the contrary, he said the current situation of Indonesian nationality is at a crucial point that weakens the national insight, namely the strengthening of social intolerance, radicalism and primordialism. That is why strengthening national insights in Indonesian society is very important to do.
"What is national insight? Indonesian viewpoint about self and environment that prioritizes unity and unity in the life of the nation, society and state. The younger generation must understand the national insight as a force to unite the nation," he explained.
Talking about the nation speaks also of culture. He explained that The Indonesian nation is a commitment and agreement consisting of various ethnic and religious peoples who are organized into one unity. Each ethnic tribe has its own characteristics or character, in social and cultural aspects. "The younger generation is expected to be able to preserve the culture that has become the character of the nation," he said.
To implement the values of Pancasila, said Listyono, all young people should be proud to be Indonesian citizens, be part of the cultural heirs, get to know the culture of other ethnicities, and strengthen the nation's identity and scent the nation's name through achievements. (meds)
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