Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-The ranks of the leadership of the Universitas Negeri Surabaya received an injection of the Covid-19 vaccine for the first phase on Tuesday (23/03/2021). Vaccinations are carried out at Ciputra University. In total there are around 102 Unesa academicians who receive vaccine rations, including the Chancellor and the Vice Chancellors.
The Unesa group departed from the Rector for the vaccination area at around 08.00 WIB. Arriving at the location, the Chancellor of Unesa Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., Along with other leadership ranks were immediately greeted by the Chancellor of Ciputra University, Ir. Yohannes Somawihardja, M.Sc., and his staff.
On that occasion, the leaders of the two campuses talked about the campus environment and the vaccination program. As an appreciation for the meeting in the vaccination program, the Chancellor of Unesa handed over a package in the form of a coat of pride from Unesa to the Chancellor of UC and it was immediately worn by Yohannes Somawihardja at that time. After that, the group photo was continued. Then, the Chancellor and his staff headed to the vaccination room.
Nurhasan said that the vaccination program was a must in the midst of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. According to him, vaccines are an important effort in dealing with and ending the wave of the spread of Covid-19 in the community.
The man who is called Cak Hasan believes that the success of handling Covid-19 lies in three main keys. First, discipline to apply health protocols, 3M and clean and healthy living habits. Second, maximizing testing, tracing and treatment or what is called 3T. The third defensive wall is a vaccine.
"With our awareness and compliance with running prokes and vaccines, we are optimistic that the pandemic will end soon in this country," he said. "Hopefully all of us, our families and those closest to us will be given health and safety and be able to be of benefit to others," he continued.
Regarding the second phase of vaccination, Unesa has coordinated with the Provincial and City Health Offices. "The plan will be carried out again in early or mid April," added Nurhasan. "With this vaccine injection, I hope that the Unesa academic community will remain healthy, have immunity maintained, and are ready to serve the country," he concluded. (Public Relations of Unesa)
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