Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–It is time for young people or students to care and take part in responding to social and environmental challenges. That is what the Student Executive Board (BEM), Surabaya State University (UNESA) demonstrated through the National Seminar: Social and Environmental at the Auditorium, LPSP Building, Lidah Wetan Campus, on Saturday, 14 October 2023.
This national seminar carrying the theme "Social Strategy and Collaboration to Care for the Environment in the Age of Society 5.0, So that Quality and Quantity are Maintained". As presenters, there were a number of resource persons, namely Drg. Agus Suprapto, M.Kes, as Expert Staff to the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture for Sustainable Development.
In addition, there is Dr. Tasdiyanto, S.P., M.Si., Expert Staff to the Minister of Environment and Forestry for Natural Resources Economics; Niniek Herawati, ST, M.Si from the East Java Province Environmental Service; and Sukardi, S.H, M.Si from the East Java Social Service.
Vice Chancellor for Education, Student Affairs and Alumni, Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Sc., appreciated this activity. According to him, this is important to promote awareness among young people, especially students, in ensuring that the social and environmental order runs according to its direction. Environmental issues and climate change, he continued, are an important part of discussions in world forums.
"Climate change on a large scale cannot be separated from human behavior towards the environment. Therefore, students need to be equipped with soft skills and commitment to "creating a clean, green and sustainable environment. "Hopefully, students will not only be aware, but there will be a collective movement," he said.
He also emphasized that the system also influences public awareness. A supportive system will also bring about change in society to have concern for the environment.
Chief Executive, Yunita Nurhariyanti said, this activity aims to increase awareness of the young generation to have concern for the environment. The theme raised is intended to encourage the young generation to have innovative and collaborative strategies to maintain quality sustainable environment.
"In the era of Society 5.0, environmental issues must be a top priority. Several challenges that we have to face related to the environment require student participation in strategy and collaboration. "The hope is that students' awareness of caring for the environment will increase," he explained.
The Expert Staff of the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Agus Suprapto, conveyed the policies of government institutions related to building competence in social awareness and caring for the environment. "There needs to be small actions that we can take, because the environment plays an important role in influencing the quality of human resources in the future," he said.
In the main session, Tasdiyanto conveyed the importance of social strategy and collaboration that cares about the environment in this era. society 5.0. According to him, the social strategy of caring for the environment needs to be upgraded to become an environmental culture strategy that can improve behavior.
"We can implement this strategy through the development of science, economic growth of the people, harmonization of traditional and legal values, and the example of leaders. "This must be collaborated to achieve maximum results," he said.
He emphasized pro-people policies in facing the challenge of climate change. One of the policies is to invite all countries to continue green development.

Meanwhile, according to Niniek Herawati, there are several roles for society in creating a sustainable environment, one of which is that students must be fully aware that the biophysical environment is limited. Therefore, it is very important to regulate people's consumption patterns in producing natural resources.
"In this era of digital society, there are very open opportunities to green the world, spread the spirit of love for the environment, and increase awareness of environmentally friendly consumption patterns . "Simple ways that we can do are starting to use environmentally friendly bags," he said.
Furthermore, the material in this national seminar was closed by Sukardi who conveyed about the implementation of social welfare in East Java. He said that there are several synergies that can be carried out, one of which is by equalizing perceptions to clarify roles so that the goal of welfare development can be achieved.
This national seminar was also attended by members of the Environmental Service, East Java Provincial Social Service, representatives of BEM Universities throughout East Java, lecturers and students.[]
Reporter Team: Erza Angelia/Mochammad Ja'far
Editor: @ zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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