Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—A friendly match brought together the UNESA FC and Surabaya FC squads at the Football Field, Campus II Lidah Wetan, on Wednesday, January 31 2024. In this fierce match, UNESA FC and Surabaya FC won with final score 7-4.
UNESA FC Coordinator, Prof. Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd., friendly matches are a routine agenda to foster sports enthusiasm and improve ties.
Apart from that, it is also a means of promoting the newly opened study program at UNESA, namely the Masase S-1 study program under the auspices at the Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences (FIKK). This new study program will begin to open for new student admissions this year.

This match is not only an opportunity to strengthen cooperation and friendship with the opposing team, but also to introduce UNESA and the program to the wider community.
"With a focus on competency in the field of massage, this new study program offers broad career opportunities, not limited to ASN, but also in various professions in the world of sports, such as football, volleyball, petanque and others," he said.
p>Apart from that, graduates of this study program are expected to be able to establish massage clinics that can empower the community and create new jobs. Through participation in these soccer activities, he hopes to maintain body freshness, which will have a positive impact on their daily performance.[]
Reporter: Sindy Riska/Fatimah Najmus Shofa
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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