The champion obtained is the 1st winner of the 1 kg Sumo IoT category, 2nd place in the 3 kg IoT sumo category (open category), and 3 kg of Sumo IoT (closed category).
The successful team Contributing to the acquisition of this international achievement consists of Faisal Suryo Anggoro, Nawwawa Fahri Firdaus, and Rizky Maulana Esa Mahendra.
Faisal Suryo Anggoro as leader of this team was unable to cover up his happiness. This 11th grade student is happy because the results are in line with their expectations of departure. In accordance with our expectations, go home with champions, "he exclaimed.
Students who are familiarly called Faisal said that the robotics competition held yesterday was attended by participants from 19 countries, some of them such as Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, India, Japan, and Saudi Arabia.
he claimed to have doubted to be able to Win, because many competitors are more good than them, but many are still the newcomer to the Robotic World.
After winning this international championship, they plan to return to participating in other competitions which will soon be held in Surabaya, but with a different team and involve their class younger siblings.
"With this victory, I also hope that more and more (Labschool Unesa students) are interested in participating in robotics extracurricular at school to participating in an international competition further from Jeddah," he said.
Head SMA Labschool Unesa 1 Surabaya , Dewi Purwanti expressed his appreciation for the achievements inscribed by her students. For him, this is not only a matter of champions, but a commitment and hard work of students and schools to make Indonesia proud in the world arena.
"We continue to be committed to providing the best facilities and guidance for students. This victory is the result of the team's hard work, supervisor, and the support of all parties in Labschool, "he said proudly.
Responding to this proud news, the head Institution Labschool , Sujarwanto said, this achievement is proof that students Labschool Unesa can compete in the international scene.
The students left with hope, then returned home carrying a title that not only boast of institutions and schools, but also the Indonesian state.
In addition, this achievement can be a motivation for other students to help give birth to similar achievements. It does not have to be in the field of robotics, but in all fields, in accordance with their respective talents and interests.
"We will always support the potential, talents and interests of students as long as it is good for their future. Because we believe when (students) are well accommodated, their way for achievement will be wider, "he added. [*]
Reporter: Fatimah Najmus Shofa (FBS )
Editor: @zam*
Documentation: Labschool Team Unesa
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