Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–Directorate of Media Development, Surabaya State University (UNESA) or Kece Media together with TVRI held the 2023 Kece Search for Talents (KCT) Grand Final at Studio 2 LPP TVRI East Java, on Sunday, 15 October 2023 .
This talent search competition, which has entered its third year, carries the theme "How to Build Personal Branding for Raising Engagement" and focuses on two types of competition, namely Presenter and Podcaster.
Hundreds of participants participated student and general category participants from various regions in Indonesia, KCT 2023 was held in a number of stages; qualifying on October 8, 2023; quarantine on October 14-15, 2023; until finally the grand final and awarding.
Head of East Java TVRI Station, Asep Suhendar, S.E., M.Sc., appreciated the 2023 KCT event and hoped that the synergy between TVRI and Kece Media UNESA would continue to be established. KCT is a forum for developing creativity, talents and interests of students and students.
"In line with TVRI's duties as a public broadcasting institution that is committed to presenting healthy information, we are ready to facilitate the holding of KCT next year," he said.
TVRI LPP Supervisory Board, Hardly Stefano Fenelon Pariela, S.E., M.Kp., said, this collaboration is part of TVRI's commitment to facilitate the talents of the younger generation as a form of expression and self-actualization.
"Present content that provides inspiration and positive energy for the generation young. The hope is that this synergy can continue. "It is not impossible that the winner in KCT 2023 will have the opportunity to join TVRI," he explained.
Vice Chancellor for Research, Community Service, Innovation, Publication and Ranking, Junaidi Budi Prihanto, S.KM. , M.KM., Ph.D., stated that this activity was clear evidence of the dedication, hard work and extraordinary vision of UNESA through Kece Media.
"As one of the efforts to realize the tridharma of higher education "Hopefully Kece Media can be consistent every year in providing a platform for the talents of the younger generation and continue to develop as a base for business and institutional business," he hoped.
Director of Media Development, Herma Retno Prabayanti S.E., M.Med.Kom ., hopes that by holding KCT 2023, the participants can continue to work and be enthusiastic in achieving their dreams in the future.
“The struggle to achieve dreams is certainly not instant. "With KCT 2023, hopefully the participants can continue to improve and in the future can have a career in the real digital industry," he hoped.
The results of the competition, 1st place as educational presenter was won by Maharani Mahadi from SMKN 1 Lumajang, 1st place for general presenter was Mohammad Teguh Santoso from UNESA, 1st place for educational podcaster was Ammara Nayra Jahan Pay from SMAN 1 Waru, and 1st place for general podcaster was Ni'matur Rosidah from UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung.
< p>Amalia Vidya Pradina, a participant from FISH UNESA, did not expect to receive the titles of Most Creative Podcaster in the General and Most Talented categories at the same time. He hopes that KCT 2023 will be the first step to achieving his dream."Hopefully Kece Media can be known to more people and hopefully I can be part of Kece Media in the future," he said.
This activity was also attended by representatives from the East Java Regional Indonesian Broadcasting Commission, the East Java Regional Indonesian KPU, the East Java Information Commission, the Director of Prevention and Management of Strategic Issues on the UNESA Campus, lecturers, students and the general public. []
Reporter: Erza Angelia and Nelly Najwa
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Team Documentation Public Relations
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