Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-Universitas Negeri Surabaya continues to innovate and collaborate in improving the quality of graduates through a number of research and applied works of developing a variety of learning methods. One of them is by releasing a Communication Cue System with the name Signalong Indonesia.
In its development, the research was carried out by Professor of Disability and Chairman of the Center for The Study of Disability Services (PSLD) Unesa, Prof. Budiyanto, M.Pd and Senior Researcher Signalong as well as Lecturers Open University United Kingdom, Prof. Kieron Sheehy, Ph.D. In addition, involving lecturers of Extraordinary Education Unesa and outstanding school teachers from various provinces and in collaboration with Galuh Handayani School.
After the launch of The Digital Dictionary of Signalong Indonesia which was held through the Rumah Inovasi event on September 18, 2020, now the publication and socialization is carried out through an International Webinar event titled "Signalong Indonesia: It Felt Dancing" through zoom channel on Wednesday (10/03/2021).
The event was attended by more than 300 participants from various countries, ranging from outstanding school teachers or special needs, researchers, and students from. There were three main speakers of the event, namely Prof. Budiyanto, M.Pd, Prof. Kieron Sheehy, Ph.D and Prof. Joanna Kossewska, Ph.D from Pedadogical University of Crakow Poland. as a researcher who has concerns in the education of children with special needs.
Vice Rector for Planning and Cooperation unesa, Drs. Sujarwanto, M.Pd. in his speech said that Unesa has a strong commitment in the development of superior resources in the field of education and also develop a Disability Friendly Campus through PSLD.
In the webinar, the resource person explained about the history of Signalong Indonesia which was first developed in 2011 through a special forum. The forum brought together Budiyanto and Kieron who at that time discussed the communication cues that developed in the United Kingdom.
Then in 2012 began to be reviewed more comprehensively for the implementation of Signalong based on the adjustment of communication culture of the Indonesian people by involving outstanding school teachers from various provinces. Furthermore, in 2013 began to be carried out three major activities consisting of basic training, design of the development team and the implementation of in-depth research with the support of the Directorate of Special Education Development and Special Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture. The research was conducted in Surabaya.
Then in 2015 began to be carried out dissemination in Galuh Handayani who has students with various special needs and regular students (non-special needs). "Until now, Signalong Indonesia products are increasingly varied to be studied and accessed, ranging from digital dictionaries, websites, storytelling-based comics, SIDRA (Signalong Indonesia Digital Read Aloud) application which is a car application story tutorial techniques for children with communication barriers in the face of the new normal era," explained Budiyanto.
On that occasion also delivered testimony from one of the teachers at TK Galuh Handayani who revealed the ease for students to understand the material on the help of Signalong Indonesia. "Children who have communication disorders become easier to capture information, while for regular children, they become more enthusiastic in following learning," said Hani, a kindergarten teacher galuh Handayani.
Meanwhile, Kieron revealed that the uk's first ever developed communication cue system was designed through an in-depth literature review. In addition, it is also based on in-class learning experiments to find out the right learning needs for children with special needs.
"Communication is the key to the education of children with special needs and Signalong has the advantage of being more communicative by practicing symbols according to the communication culture that develops in a region and country," he explained.
From research that has been done, he continued, about 90% revealed that Signalong Indonesia facilitates understanding for children with special needs, such as tuna grahita. In addition, it also makes the classroom atmosphere more enjoyable, the delivery of messages becomes more interactive for non-needy children," he concluded.
Prof. Joanna Kossewska, Ph.D, Institute of Psychology, Pedadogical University of Crakow Poland on that occasion explained about the condition of the autistic spectrum. According to him, the term autistic in the early 20th century was interpreted for a group of behaviors that at the time appeared in schizophrenics.
"Autism is a nursery that comes with all the special potential, therefore, in growing and developing their potential and capabilities need the right approach and strategy, special, and also need to involve the advancement of communication technology to be more effective and efficient," he said. (Pr. Unesa)
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