Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA —Aisyah Endah Palupi, Secretary of the Directorate General of Higher Education (Sesditjen Dikti), Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology (Kemendiktisaintek) attended the National Seminar on Student Academic Mobility at Main Auditorium (Auditum) Rectorate of Surabaya State University (Unesa) Campus 2 Tongue Wetan, on Saturday, February 8, 2025.
In their presentation, Sesditjen said that students have a strategic role as The successor to develop the nation, because in their hands the Indonesian leadership relay in the future will continue. Therefore, students as the next generation must be equipped with a variety of competencies and strong characters. Unesa's technique (FT).
He also explained that academic mobility supports several SDGs, including. First, SDGs 4: quality education, by increasing student exchange and strengthening cross -country learning programs such as the Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) program. Second Industrial skills that are relevant to national and global labor markets such as certified independent internships and studies (MSIB). His hopes on the UNESA hope board. " src = "/images/foto-11-02-2025-03-20-32-9897.png" style = "height: 532px; width: 800px"/>
Third, SDGs 9: Innovation and infrastructure, by encouraging the use of digital technology in education, such as Student Creativity Program (PKM), Student Digital Innovation Contest (LIDM), Student Development Program (P2MW) and National Student Performance in Information and Communication Technology (Gemastik). P> Fourth, SDGs 17: Partnership to achieve goals, strengthening international collaboration between universities, industry, and government is the key to strengthening academic mobility, such as Kedaireka which aims to become a synergy forum between the academic world and the business world. P>He added that it is important for universities to strengthen access to education, especially through student exchange programs or exchange programs that allow students to get learning experiences abroad.
"Higher Education needs to strengthen access to education more broadly, increasing student exchange programs that can enrich student insights, "he said.
As a strategy going forward, universities are encouraged to strengthen global collaboration, integrate technology in learning, and ensure that academic mobility programs have a real impact for Students and the community.
Ending the seminar session, Sesditjen Dikti gave student motivation. He emphasized that the journey to success is still long, and the struggle in the academic world is not only for one's own interests, but also for the progress of the nation.
"Be a tough student, never give up, full of innovation, and every step You take it is part of the journey to success, "he concluded. [*]
Reporter: Mochammad Ja'far Sodiq (FIP)
Editor : @zam*
Photo: UNESA Public Relations Team
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