Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The UNESA Student Creativity Program Team for Community Service (PKM-PM) held a training on making ecoprint batik for deaf students at SMALB B Karya Mulia, Surabaya on August 9-14, 2021. The highlight of the activity was the ecoprint batik exhibition on the website and Instagram.
This activity is part of the way UNESA students celebrate the 76th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia. The students in question were Arumita Wulan Sari from S-1 PGSD, Tanziyhan Li Ismillah also from S-1 PGSD, Siti Nur Mufidah from S-1 Fine Arts Education, Ayun Multiana from S-1 Accounting Education and Sri Wiji Indriana from PLB.
They were guided by Dra. Hj. Siti Maheasy, M.Kes. Arumita Wulan Sari said that the training was held face-to-face and strictly adhered to health protocols. Then also in the form of participant independent activities guided by a virtual team.
The purpose of this activity is to encourage participants to stay active in honing their creativity. In the end, what is expected is the realization of the independence of the participants in their future work.
The 2018 student explained that the ecoprint batik training was chosen for several reasons, including because the stages were quite simple and easy for participants to follow. Then, the ingredients are not too difficult to get.
In addition, ecoprint batik is a fashion trend at this time which is certainly quite potential in the future. "In addition to learning to make batik until it is finished, participants also learn how to appreciate a work and promote the work through social media," he said.
Abhi, one of the participants, said he was happy to be involved in the training. At first, he thought that making batik was complicated. However, after studying together in the program, he became aware that it was easy to create works by using easily available materials and materials.
“We believe that every human being has their own strengths, including children with disabilities. Therefore, they must continue to be invited to be involved in creating and innovating,” said Siti Nur Mufidah. "By being with them, we understand each other's needs and can be more grateful in life," said Sri Wiji Indriana. (Unesa Public Relations)
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