unesa.ac.id., Surabaya-as a form of community service and efforts to spread goodness in the holy month of Ramadan (Unesa) held a 1000 Ramadan Pesantren Ramadan at UPTD Kampung Anak Negeri, Wonorejo, Surabaya, on Sunday, March 16, 2025.
The activity that also involved students from UIN Sunan Ampel (UINSA) was initiated by the Central Baznas aimed as Awardee Social Responsibility
In his remarks, the Chief Executive, Muhammad Luqmanul Hakim said that this activity was the obligation of scholarship recipients as a form of gratitude and social responsibility to the community.
Meanwhile, Sugeng Riyadhi, Coordinator of UPTD Kampung Kampung Negeri, expressed his appreciation as high as the event. He feels happy, because children always look forward to events like this every time they welcome Ramadan.
"Usually, they rarely have the opportunity to interact with outside parties in religious activities, so that this event is a very valuable experience for them," he said.
The excitement of this activity was also felt by the participants, one of them Nur Adi Santoso, who claimed to be very happy to participate in various activities that had been prepared by the committee. There was also a Ramadan cult from the siblings who were very useful, "he said.
The series of 1000 Ramadan Pesantren events included the call to prayer, memorization of short letters, cult, and ended with breaking the fast together. [*]
Reporter: @zam*
Photo: Unesa Public Relations Team
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