Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–State University of Surabaya held a second wave of graduation with the theme "Making UNESA Graduates Excellent, Competitive and Adaptive in the Era of Technological Disruption" on Saturday (25/09/2021). The virtual graduation procession was attended by the ranks of the senate, chancellor, dean, lecturers and graduates from several faculties totaling 1,250 people.
The event was opened with remarks by the Chancellor of UNESA Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes. He said that the hard earned title was quite 'sacred'. There are responsibilities and demands in it. The responsibility of graduates is to be an educated generation, to be an example and a pioneer of change wherever they are.
Most importantly, UNESA graduates must be good at contributing through their best innovations for the country. Then graduates also have challenges, namely life that continues to move quickly and is fiercely competitive in the world of work. "UNESA alumni must have a balance between soft skills and hard skills, be able to adapt, have competence, always develop themselves and improve their quality in creating innovations," he said.
In addition, the man who is usually called Cak Hasan added that the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 also demands graduates who are capable of using technology. "Even though you are no longer on this campus, the alma mater is still engraved in the hearts of each of you. Therefore, keep the dignity and good name of UNESA wherever you are," he said. "Prove to the community that UNESA graduates are a generation that is tough, has character, integrity, is adaptable and can contribute to the progress of society and the country," he concluded.
The graduation procession went solemnly and the participants followed it patiently and joyfully. They seemed to be waiting their turn to be called one by one by the graduation operator. All graduates had the opportunity to do a virtual photo shoot. They were accompanied by their families, relatives, and friends and companions respectively. Typical of millennial graduations, various kinds of gimmicks and contemporary styles enlivened the event and colored the virtual diploma handover atmosphere.
Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd., as the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs UNESA conveyed the names of the outstanding graduates. One of them is Rahelita Luki Yuvitasari from the English Literature Study Program, Faculty of Language and Arts UNESA who has a GPA of 3.92. Rachel, as she is called, revealed the secret behind her achievement. Apparently, the secret is to increase the time to study and as much as possible be able to focus and have a target. Meanwhile, time for games, watching movies, and various other fun activities is reduced or done as needed.
"Because to achieve our goals we must have priorities and sacrifice others," he said. “Basically, I don't sacrifice pleasure, but rather postpone pleasure to enjoy later with success. With this, hopefully I will be more motivated and others can achieve the same and even more. Thank you all, this achievement is the support of all great people on campus and off campus, "he said. [Rachmadani/zam]
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