Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–For the first time, the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) held the first batch of online graduations on Saturday (21/08/2021). The event carries the theme "Making UNESA Graduates Excellent, Competitive, and Adaptive in the Era of Technological Disruption".
Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes, Chancellor of UNESA explained about long life education. Referring to this paradigm, he continued, learning should not stop with the end of study in formal education or school. However, continue to learn and develop yourself wherever you are.
He also conveyed that the experiences that had been passed during the Covid-19 pandemic, on the other hand, also provided a new source of inspiration which in the end was able to create new economic opportunities.
The impact of the pandemic that is not small on economic development, education, health, economy, socio-culture, and the community environment is a challenge for all Indonesian people. "Those who are tough and successful, of course, can adapt," he said.
On that occasion, the Chancellor did not stop reminding all residents and UNESA alumni to continue to comply with the health protocols. “All of our participation in supporting the vaccination program and PPKM is very important for our common good. Unesa graduates must take part in being ambassadors for behavior change as a strategy to deal with the pandemic in the community," he said.
The first batch of graduation was attended by around 1,000 participants consisting of various generations and came from 7 UNESA Faculties and Postgraduates. In detail, the Faculty of Education has 125 participants, the Faculty of Languages and Arts has 150 participants, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences has 125 participants, the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law has 125 participants, the Faculty of Engineering has 150, the Faculty of Sports Sciences has 125 participants. In addition, there are 125 students in the Faculty of Economics and Business, and 75 students in the Postgraduate Program.
Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd as the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs announced the six best graduates. They are Ihwan Riskya Putra, M.Pd from S-2 Basic Education, Fitri Lestari, S.Pd. from S-1 BK, Bella Dwi Aprilia, A.Md. from D-3 Accounting, and Ulthufna Kausarul Fitriya, S.Pd. from S-1 PKN Education. Then Fradhana Putra Disantara, S.H. from S-1 Legal Studies, and Vioxcy Ananta Putra, S.H. from S-1 Legal Studies.
"Don't stop working. Continue to be creative, develop yourself, be able to adapt and give birth to many innovations, and be good at collaborating to make a real contribution to the nation and state," the Rector said enthusiastically. (Hasna)
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