Unesa.ac.id,-Center for Family Association of Surabaya State University (PP IKA Unesa) contributes to dividing the takjil to students and the general public in front of the gate of the campus of UNESA 2 AONE WETAN, SURABAYA on Wednesday 5 2025.
The distribution of takjil was carried out for 2 days, namely Wednesday - Thursday, March 5 - 6 2025 along with the joint opening activities carried out by Unesa. Around 2000 takjil packages were distributed for two days.
Chairperson of the Takjil IKA UNESA distribution committee, Rahmi Aprilianti said, takjil distribution activities were carried out for two days, namely on 5 and 6 March 2025. This activity, explained Rahmi, was one of a series of work programs held in the holy month of Ramadan this year.
"The distribution of takjil is a small contribution from Ika Unesa to increase the sense of caring for fellow Muslims and as a form of gratitude to Allah SWT because it is still met in the holy month of Ramadan this year," he said on the sidelines of the activity. SRC = "/images/foto-06-03-2025-08-18-42-6498.png" Style = "Height: 532px; Width: 800px"/>
While, Chairman of PP IKA Unesa Bambang DH said, the distribution of this takjil aims to increase the sense of family between members as well as establishing synergy with UNESA. Moreover, in the month of Ramadan it is very important to foster social solidarity and solidarity to the wider community.
The distribution of takjil comes from mutual cooperation funds collected by the management of IKA Unesa. During those two days, around 2,000 takjil packages were distributed in conjunction with free joint opening activities held by Unesa every 16:30 WIB. It is hoped that alumni can come to be involved and contribute to raising their alma mater marwah.
He hopes that positive activities in the month of Ramadan by sharing takjil will be a small step of Unesa alumni to take part in more useful. The surrounding community and students, including we can feel the togetherness and social care during the month of Ramadan, "he said. @sirShare It On: