Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—The KKN Division under the auspices of the MBKM Sub-directorate, UNESA Academic Directorate organizes Training of Trainers (ToT) for Field Assistant Lecturers (DPL) and Lecturers in Charge of Courses (DPMK) and online Student Education and Training (Penlat) on Saturday-Sunday, 19-20 August 2023.
In the material session, Head of Sub-Directorate of MBKM., Dr. M. Jacky, S.Sos., M.Sc., conveyed about teaching assistance and humanity. Teaching assistance, he continued, focuses more on reading literacy and numeracy literacy. This program invites students to determine and achieve the desired targets during the program. They also have to pay attention to definitions, scope, content, cognitive processes, to literacy contexts.
Meanwhile, humanitarian projects are not only related to disaster response, but their scope is wider. wide. "Events that cause emergencies and impact death such as stunting health problems or malnutrition in infants are included in humanitarian projects," he explained.
Katon Galih Setyawan, S.Sos., M.Sosio., explained that the project theme in villages to support the cooperation of the Ministry of Village PDTT and other stakeholders. This project is carried out in underdeveloped, underdeveloped or developing villages with human resources that have not been able to plan village development. which is carried out by KKN students in improving the community's economy.
“The entrepreneurial spirit is like the local wisdom of the village. For example, catfish production, which was originally only sold live, can be developed to be sold half cooked and can implement digital entrepreneurship," he explained.
Dr. Indar Sabri, S.Sn., M.Pd., conveyed the theme of independent study projects and PKS. According to him, KKN Keprodian (which is carried out by the study program) is included in this theme category. "The activities of this project are like PLB students assisting children with special needs in an orphanage, or sociology students assisting street children," he explained. Main). There are three KKN related to the KKN program, namely IKU 2: students get experience off campus, IKU 3: lecturers doing activities off campus, and IKU 6: study programs in collaboration with partners.
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Tutur Jatmiko, S.Pd., M.Kes., Head of the KKN Section stated that the purpose of this activity was to equalize perceptions regarding the 2023 KKNT. The interest of the local government, especially Magetan Regency, which is very large, must also be welcomed.
>"This is important to do so that unexpected things don't happen when holding the KKN 4 themes in Magetan. It is also hoped that after the Community Service Program we can obtain cooperation with the village government for research and community service," he said.
Academic Director, Prof. Fida Rachmadiarti, M.Kes., in her remarks said that UNESA had implemented a program called Thematic KKN for the umpteenth time. This means that this is a means of meeting the various needs of study programs, universities and society in general.
“There were around 570 participants who took part in this KKNT. In the future we will rearrange the eight MBKM activities, including their conversion, so that we can accommodate all of the MBKM activities," he said. [*]
Author: Muhammad Azhar Adi Mas'ud
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Documentation of Public Relations Team
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