Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA —The Center for Literacy Studies, Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Surabaya State University (UNESA) is again holding a National Network Workshop (Sadaring) Series IV with the theme "Compound Literacy: Strengthening Compound Literacy for Language and Literature" on Saturday, 28 October 2023 .
This awareness raising was attended by UNESA leadership, LPPM, lecturers and students. Chief executive, Prof. Dr. Hj. Lies Amin Lestari, M.A., M.Pd, said that this activity was intended to guard and strengthen social ties in increasing love for the world of literacy which coincided with the commemoration of Youth Pledge Day.
For her, it is important to intensify the literacy movement both in academic environment as well as in the community and society. Including multiple literacy which is an important foundation for conversation and academic and social skills.
Similarly, the Director of LPPM, Prof. Dr. H. Muhammad Turhan Yani, M.A., said that multiple literacy is related to a person's ability to understand, evaluate, and use various types of text or media, including written text, images, audio, video, and digital content.
This multiple literacy ability is very important in modern society, because it is related to world trends that are moving rapidly with very diverse information. “Pluritive literacy is important to support us in communicating and collaborating, overcoming hoaxes and fake news. "It is also related to creativity and innovation in the digital era," he said.
This awareness gathering brought in three resource persons, namely Benny Arnas who is a writer and founder of the Benny Institute, Wahyu Sukartiningsih, a lecturer at FIP UNESA, and Andik Yulianto, a lecturer at FBS UNESA.
On that occasion, Silvia Indah Parawansah, a student of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program class of 2020 read a story entitled "Ouch" by Urfa. Silvi Indah explained that the book tells the story of a child who is affected by a syndrome. []
Writer: Amalia Rizka AZ-Zahra
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Team Documentation Public Relations
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