Experts and professors at the UNESA Faculty of Education (FIP) presented material at the National Awareness which was attended by participants from various circles.
Unesa. SURABAYA—The second series of National Online Workshops (Sadaring) held by the Center for Literacy Studies, Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Surabaya State University (UNESA) carried the topic "Mainstreaming Literacy, Gender and Social Inclusion in Reference and Learning "on Saturday, August 31 2024.
Wien Muldian, General Chair of the Indonesian Literacy Association, Manager and Owner of Reading in Tebet also presented his material at this Sadaring. The other two presenters came from FIP UNESA; FIP professor and Chair of the Disability Innovation Center (DIC), Budiyanto, and Head of the Gender Center, LPPM Sjafiatul Mardliyah.
This activity was moderated by FBS lecturers, Riki Nasrullah, and Fafi Inayatillah. Also, it was enlivened by the participation of a book reading by Rina Syahrina, a student of the International Class of Indonesian Literature Class of 2023, international class.
Targeting participants from among teachers, lecturers, students, literacy observers, education observers, and the community, this activity aims to dig deeper into the crucial role of literacy, gender, and social inclusion in the world of librarianship, in particular in library processing, bibliometrics, and learning processes.
This activity also discusses the various efforts that have been made, the challenges faced, as well as innovative strategies that can be implemented to ensure that literacy, gender and social inclusion become an integral part of better librarianship practices.
So the main aim of this activity is to formulate concrete steps to create a library that is inclusive and relevant to the needs of diverse communities.
With the theme "Social Inclusion in Learning," Budiyanto discussed socially inclusive with a focus on the inclusion index, adequate accommodation, and ULD (Disability Service Unit). He explained that the success of social inclusion can be measured using the inclusion index, which shows the level of social inclusion in education.
In addition, he emphasized the importance of reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities, including modifications and adjustments necessary to ensure their human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Budiyanto also explained the role of the Disability Services Unit (ULD) in providing services and facilities that support social inclusion, including facilitating the provision of budget support, facilities and infrastructure, as well as preparing and providing special educators to provide effective learning services for students with disabilities.
Expert and Head of the UNESA Gender Center delivered material on Gender in Learning.
On session Next, Wien Muldian discussed the importance of literacy and libraries in the context of social inclusion and knowledge management. He emphasized that literacy is not just the ability to read, but also includes the skills to access, understand and use information intelligently.
Muldian advocates strengthening the literacy environment through libraries and reading parks, as well as highlighting good practices from various countries in building a reading culture. Apart from that, he emphasized the role of libraries in the digital era and the importance of collaboration to improve people's reading power, as well as building literate and humanist human character.
Next, Sjafiatul Mardliyah, explained the topic "Gender in Learning: Bibliometric Analysis" which highlights how gender roles, identities and stereotypes influence the educational process.
He said there are six important aspects related to gender in learning: access to education, gender stereotypes, the influence of teachers and the curriculum, the role of role models, gender violence and harassment, and gender awareness in teaching.
By holding this webinar, it is hoped that this can be the first step in realizing a more inclusive and relevant library in Indonesia. []***
Reporter: Tarisa Adistia (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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