Happy and distrustful is what is felt by one of the best graduates of Unesa Postgraduate Program. Riski his nickname did not expect that he would be declared the best graduate of Unesa Masters. The struggle for 2 years has paid off with almost perfect achievements and a 3.93 GPA. His work as a teacher at SDN Sidotopo VIII / 55 which has been undertaken since 2006 did not prevent him from graduating on time. Good time management is one of the keys to balancing work assignments as an elementary school teacher with lectures and college assignments. Wanting to improve his family was his dream that motivated a man born in Surabaya October 22 1987 when he was studying for a Masters degree. His thesis entitled "Building Creative Thinking Ability and Mastery of Elementary Student Concepts Through the Development of Concept Acquisition Learning Models (Concept Attention)" based on the mandate of the curriculum to develop creative thinking skills even though the concept learning model has been around for a long time but it has not been so booming in elementary school teachers. This is what motivated Riski to try to bring up the learning model because it can increase student creativity. During her study Riski felt a lot of interesting experiences in teaching and learning the process of gaining value and involvement in making international journals. "The great thing about S-2 at Unesa is that between lecturers and students there is no limit we as students learn from lecturers and lecturers learn from us about conditions in the field" said the couple Matali and Rosidah. Riskis early career began as a teacher before entering college. After delving deeper into his profession as a teacher this bespectacled man is interested in gaining deeper knowledge about basic education. Todays 80th graduation (6/21/2014) at GOR Bima Unesa Lidah Wetan Campus Surabaya is Riskis first graduation because at the first S-1 graduation also at Unesa he underwent an Indonesian-Chinese student exchange program from PPAN. When met by Unesas PR Reporter Riski advised. "The dream should not only be dreamed the dream is written visualized and see nature will work together to realize your dream" he said a man who had refused an offer of study in Japan to protect his parents. (Ari / Wahyu / Byu)