Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya href = "https://unesa.ac.id/"> Surabaya State University (Unesa), Dwi Cahyo Kartiko (familiarly called DCK) was officially appointed as Chairperson of the Indonesian Petanque Sports Federation (FOPI) of East Java for 2024 -2028.
The inauguration took place on Wednesday, February 26, 2025 at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Sports and Health (FIKK) Unesa, Campus 2 Tongue Wetan.
Chairperson of East Java Fopi, Dwi Cahyo Kartiko on that occasion conveyed a number of priority programs going forward. One of them is the formation of a Regional Team Agency (BTD) which will be a key factor in determining the coach and athletes who will represent East Java at the next sporting event.
"This regional team body will determine who the coaches and athletes of East Java later. They will always monitor the development of athletes and make decisions based on the evaluation carried out, "he said.
roadmap-regeneration of athletes
In addition, BTD also has An important role in designing an athlete regeneration system and compiling a roadmap to ensure the sustainability of coaching in accordance with the target of the management of Fopi East Java.
He explained that the indicators in the selection process will be developed through discussions involving various parties.
"We will compile a number of selection indicators, one of which is related to the ability of athletes and trainers in the aspects of sports science . All of these indicators will be accessed transparently through the website and media partners that we have prepared, "he added.
Furthermore, the Professor of the Faculty of Sports and Health (FIKK) explained, with a more structured division of tasks , the selection and coaching process will run more efficiently.
"We want to move quickly in discussions and decision making. Therefore, BTD will cooperate with various parties, including the media and management of East Java Fopi, to formulate the best strategy in printing superior athletes who can make the name of East Java at the national and international levels, "he concluded.
Commitment - Strategy Advances East Java Petanque
Muhammad Nabil, Chair of KONI East Java expressed his hope that the sport of petanque can be considered to be included in the Bukon program.
According to him, there is still time to strive for this, given the potential of Petanque to participate in the event remains open.
"The potential to participate is there, the potential not to participate also exists. Including other sports, "he said.
Head of the East Java Youth and Sports Agency (Kadispora), M. Hadi Wawan Guntoro, expressed his hopes that the sport of petanque could be more introduced to the younger generation, especially in the school environment .
According to him, a mature strategy is needed so that Petanque can develop and be widely accepted, including by involving the figures and educators in the process of coaching.
Secretary General of PB Fopi I Nyoman Yamadhiputra, expressed his hope that East Java could become a role model in the development and development of the sport of petanque in Indonesia.
He stressed that since the previous management, various programs carried out by Fopi East Java have had a positive impact on the development of Petanque in other regions.
"Petanque Field built by East Java has become a reference for other provinces in developing this sports facility, we should be proud of this" he said. [*]
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Reporter: Saputra (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Unesa Public Relations Team
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