unesa.ac.id., Surabaya —Thanks to eat and drink from dawn to evening or sunset indeed make it weak, especially in the initial phase of fasting, when the process of adaptation of blood sugar levels that makes the body not energized.
Nutrition Lecturer Surabaya State University (Unesa) , Amalia Ruhana said, consumption of foods that quickly increase and reduce blood sugar levels, can make the body easily limp.
"Fasting changes the pattern of metabolism. In the first six hours, the body utilizes glucose from dawn food as a source of energy. After that, the body begins to use energy reserves from glycogen in the liver and muscles. If it is not balanced with the right intake, the body will feel tired faster, "he explained.
Then, how do you keep the body powerful during fasting? There are some tips that can be done based on lecturer recommendations as well as the Coordinator of the S-1 Nutrition Study Program Unesa .
1. Enough intake
Sahur with sufficient intake such as complex carbohydrates and protein. Sahur is an opportunity to fill energy reserves during the body for a dozen hours. Therefore, the food consumed must be able to provide a longer feeling of fullness.
Choose complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, sweet potatoes, wheat, or cassava. Consumption of protein from eggs, fish, chicken, tempeh, and tofu. Add fiber from vegetables and fruit, because it can slow down the digestive process and prevent hunger from coming too fast.
Avoid foods high in sugar and simple carbohydrates such as white bread, instant noodles, or sweet biscuits. Limit foods high in salt such as sausages and nuggets, because it can increase thirst during the day.
2. Enough fluid needs
dehydration is one of the main causes of the body easily tired during fasting. Therefore, it is important to maintain the balance of body fluids by drinking enough water at dawn and when breaking the fast. The composition of fluid intake can be adjusted to meet the needs of body fluids in an average of 2 liters or eight glasses per day. Even though the temptation is high, especially when breaking the fast, you should reduce eating sweet and soft drinks, because it can cause a surge in blood sugar, the body has difficulty managing blood sugar into energy that makes the body feel tired quickly.
3. Pay attention to the breaking pattern
Stomach hungry and thirst all day indeed tends to make it crazy and want to eat and drink in large portions. Apparently it was not recommended. Because, breaking fast with large portions can suddenly make the body feel heavy and its effects make sleepy.
Break should be able to start with water and snacks such as dates and fresh fruit. For the main food or main course should be consumed after performing the evening prayer.
4. Adjust physical activity
Fasting does not mean lazing in the move, but must be adjusted so that the body does not lose energy too quickly. Light exercise such as leisurely walking, yoga, or stretching to maintain body fitness during fasting is highly recommended.
The best time of sport when before breaking the fast, so that the body can immediately get energy afterwards. Avoid heavy physical activity during the day, because it can increase the risk of dehydration and fatigue.
5. Enough rest to maintain energy
Lack of sleep can cause the body to get tired more quickly when fasting. Therefore, sleep at least 7-9 hours per day to maintain the body's energy balance. To be easy to rest with enough you should reduce the exposure of gadgets before going to bed.
6. Healthy snacks after tarawih
Many people feel hungry again after tarawih prayers, if you want to snack, be sure to choose snacks that are rich in protein and fiber, such as yogurt, oatmeal, or nuts. Avoid fried foods and high sugar foods, which can increase blood sugar levels suddenly and cause the body to get tired quickly.
7. Additional tips for certain groups
Some groups have special needs to remain powerful during fasting, such as heavy workers that can increase complex carbohydrates at dawn and sufficient protein intake at dawn and breaking.
Pregnant women can consume balanced nutrition according to pregnancy conditions. If it is too weak, there is ease not to fast. The elderly should avoid caffeinated drinks at dawn, enough water, and choose food easily digested.
According to Amalia Ruhana, fasting not only holds hunger and thirst, but can also be a momentum to improve or regulate eating patterns to stay healthy and powerful.
" That way, we can carry out worship optimally and remain productive throughout the day, "he said. [*]
Reporter: mochammad ja'far sodiq (fip) editor: @zam*
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