Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA�Registration for the National Test-Based Selection (SNBT) for the Computer-Based Writing Test (UTBK) has opened on Thursday, March 21 2024. According to the schedule, the selection is open until April 5 2024. the same as Last year, this year's UTBK was held at 72 UTBK centers, one of which was Surabaya State University (UNESA).
Head of the UNESA Student Admissions and Graduation Sub-Directorate, Dr. Sukarmin, M.Pd., said that the 'Home of Champions' campus apart from being the organizer of UTBK, is also one of the favorite state universities or PTNs every year.
UNESA's position in UTBK-SNBT is as an Academic PTN which has 78 academic undergraduate (S-1) study programs available that applicants can choose from. Apart from that, it is also a PTN which has 10 applied undergraduate study programs (D-4).
"The total number of study programs that can be chosen at UNESA is 88 study programs. The details are 78 academic undergraduate study programs and 10 applied undergraduate study programs. Capacity "UNESA has this pathway, which is 44 percent," said the lecturer at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA).
He added, regarding the entire list of study programs and faculties at UNESA, including admission quotas, you can visit the admissions page. unesa.ac.id or the SNPMB page, https://snpmb.bppp.kemdikbud.go.id by selecting the UTBK-SNBT menu, then clicking PTN SNBT, and searching for UNESA with code 383.
Related For UTBK registration, Sukarmin advised general category participants or non-SNBP 2024 participants to prepare themselves and the requirements for registering from now on. Meanwhile, SNBP 2024 participants can wait for the announcement first.
For SNBP participants who were not lucky, they can register again on the UTBK-SNBT route. Meanwhile, participants who are later declared to have passed the 2024 SNBP route may not register again for the UTBK-SNBT route.
This year's UTBK-SNBT gives participants the opportunity to choose 1 to 4 study programs, both academic and applied undergraduate study programs. . The provisions are as follows:
- For those who choose 1 study program, you can choose any program, it can be an academic undergraduate, applied bachelor or diploma study program.
- For those who choose 2 study programs, you can also choose any program, it can be an academic undergraduate, applied undergraduate or diploma study program.
- For those who choose 3 study programs, the conditions are that you can choose 2 academic undergraduate study programs and 1 vocational program (applied bachelor's degree D-4 or D-3) , or vice versa, 2 vocational programs, 1 academic undergraduate program.
- For those who choose 4 study programs, the conditions are that they can choose 2 academic undergraduate study programs and 2 applied undergraduate study programs (there must be a minimum of 1 triple diploma or D- 3).
Before registering, there are several things that need to be considered, including the selection of study programs which must be adjusted to the participant's abilities, interests, talents or future career plans. It is also recommended to find out the admission quota and level of competition for the selected study program.
Sports, Art and Design study program applicants are required to upload a portfolio. For disabled registrants, you can prepare a statement letter signed by the school principal on the school's seal and seal.
It is recommended to register immediately, aka not to register until closing time. Then, choose the test location that is closest, easy to access and reach. Don't forget to pay attention to important dates such as time and registration conditions. "The most important thing is to prepare yourself by studying, practicing questions and praying," said Sukarmin. [UNESA PR]
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