Unesa .ac.id Surabaya - For some time the Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) issued a zoning policy for the Acceptance of New Students (PPDB). The aim is to realize equitable service and quality of education and improve various national education standards.
The implementation of zoning gets polemic in some areas. This is also a confusion for parents because of their lack of understanding regarding the application of zoning policies. The Minister of Education and Culture explained the implementation of the zoning system as an effort to equalize the quality of education infrastructure and teacher quality not to cause problems but to make the government clearer about the problems of schools in some areas.
Therefore today (04/07) Surabaya State University held a Focus Group Discussion which discussed the application of the zoning system for equalizing the quality of education. The event which was held in the Auditorium Room Rector Campus of the Tongue Campus was attended by all university leaders faculties professors East Java Provincial Education Office as well as representatives of junior and senior high schools in Surabaya.
According to the Rector Prof. Dr. Nurhasan M. Kes. Said that the results of this FGD will be an evaluation material for the report to the President the Minister of Education and Culture and the Indonesian Parliament. The Chancellor added that regarding zoning there must be mapping from teachers students and schools and HR must also be prepared along with the tools. said the chancellor.
It can be seen that the distribution of quality of education in several regions is still far from expectations. At least this FGD will provide the best solution related to the complaints of the zoning system that has an impact on the wider community and produces policies that can improve and evenly distribute the quality of education. (why/tni)
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