Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - In order to optimize the population administration system in the village, five lecturers from the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) developed an E-monograph application or Emonografidesa.com. The application was implemented in Kedung Peluk Village, Candi District, Sidoarjo Regency on February 2, 2021.
Before being implemented, the village officials were given socialization and training on using the application, starting from account registration, filling out village profiles to data entry. Emonografidesa.com is the result of research by a team of lecturers consisting of Indah Prabawati, Badrudin Kurniawan, Galih W. Pradana, Deby Febriyan Eprilianto and Muhammad Fariz Zarvan.
Indah Prabawati explained, on Wednesday, February 9, 2022 that the application they designed was to answer the problem of the population administration system in the village. The application has a number of advantages, a) compiling data automatically and informatively, b) helping to develop village data regularly and accurately, c) compiling data equipped with a fast, accurate and systematic calculation system.
The appearance of the application consists of the homepage, advantages, user villages and testimonials. The village e-monograph was not only used in Kedung Peluk, but also in Japanan Jombang Village, Kedung Baruk Village, Surabaya and Sumberboto Kediri.
The data accommodated include; first, general data consisting of general demographics, age categories and occupations of the population. Second, social data consisting of health, education, social capital, housing, sanitation and access to electricity. Third, economic data covering community productivity and village community activities. Fourth, village regulations. Fifth, village officials. Sixth, the village gallery (photos and documentation).
Galih W. Pradana hopes that the application will be useful for village officials in improving the quality of service and administration systems in the village. While conducting socialization and training, his party will continue to develop the application from its appearance to its features based on user needs and input.
The Head of Kedung Peluk Village, M. Madenan welcomed the socialization and application of E-monoografidesa.com. According to him, the application is very practical for village officials. In addition, it can assist in securing, storing, managing and providing data that is easily accessible to the public. [UNESA PR]
Photo: PKM team documentation
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