" Choose a job that suits your abilities and dont just choose it " so said Fefe Alisugito S.Psi. M.Sc. from HRD Jobs DB in one of his talks at the workshop. He explained that the employment opportunities that were available should not be applied as if meticulous before buying. We have to understand what work will be entered and in accordance with our skills. In addition to providing knowledge about the world of work he shares tips and tricks for interviewees who will enter the workforce. Likewise with the two other speakers Drs. Ahmad Helmi who talked about job opportunities in the industrial world while Masruri S.pd discussed employment opportunities in the world of education extensively to foreign countries. In addition to providing an understanding of the world of work this workshop also provided participants with an interesting application letter Drs. Psi Ahmad Bashier from the BEHAESTEX HRD Group.
The inaugural workshop with the aim of prospective graduates is expected to be held every time before graduation. In line with one of the objectives of organizing guidance and counseling at UPT LBK is to help students to develop knowledge and skills about the world of work and work opportunities. The highlight of the workshop moderated by Meylia Elizabeth Ranu S.pd was closed with a Career Clinic aimed at 60 applicants as counselees (the term for clients in counseling ed). The Career Clinic aims to enable counselees to plan careers in career advancement and development. The counselee can also talk about problems or obstacles that are being experienced in career development to the counselor. One of the participants was Yulia Primadini " I am fortunate to be able to counsel with Mr. Reza (the name of one of the Counselors) now I am sure and have no doubt to pursue my goals hopefully next year this event will still be there and can be further developed. " So said this FIP student smiling. [Daughter & amp; Ema_Humas]
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