DTPTP Team, Study Program Taskforce with BPM
unesa.ac.id SURABAYA On November 1 2024, the Quality Assurance Agency (BPM) held The Management Review Meeting is a continuation of the Evaluation of the 2024 Independent Campus Competition Program. This meeting discussed the results of the Internal Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) of the Independent Campus Competition Program grant which was chaired directly by the Director of BPM, Dr. Widowati Budijastuti, M.Si, together with Ayunita Leliana, S.S., M.Pd, as Head of the Audit and Monev Division. This activity was attended by the Person in Charge (PIC) as well as the taskforce team from the Bachelor of Accounting and Bachelor of Educational Technology study programs.
This Management Review Meeting has several important objectives, including: 1. Discussing Achievements and Challenges : Understand the achievements that have been achieved and the challenges faced by each study program in implementing PKKM grants, especially in collaboration with the PKKM Grant Management team from the Directorate of Educational Transformation and Learning Technology, 2. Emphasis on Program Impact: Underlines the importance of programs that are sustainable and have a positive impact on the development of MBKM, especially for graduates after participating in the MBKM program; 3. Formulate Recommendations and Corrective Steps: Identify corrective steps that can be taken to improve the quality of the MBKM program in the future.

Discussion of the results of internal monitoring and evaluation of PKKM grants Study Program
Results of Internal Monev
The results of Internal Monev show that both study programs, Bachelor of Accounting and Bachelor of Educational Technology, have carried out activities grants well. The relevant study program has demonstrated the ability to find alternative solutions when facing obstacles, as well as successfully mobilizing students and improving the quality of the MBKM that is being implemented.
This Management Review Meeting is expected to be a strategic step in improving the quality of education in the campus environment. BPM is committed to continuing to monitor and support the development of quality programs, as well as ensuring that every activity carried out has a positive impact on students and the institution. "With good collaboration between BPM, DTPTP, PIC, and taskforce, it is hoped that the Bachelor of Accounting and Bachelor of Educational Technology study programs can continue to innovate and improve the quality of the MBKM program that is being implemented," added Dr Muji Sri Prastiwi, M.Pd as Chair of the PIC for the PKKM Grant Program. 2024.
Thus, this activity is not only an evaluation, but also a momentum to advance better and more sustainable education.
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