Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-In order to advance and improve sports achievement, the State University of Surabaya held a webinar with the theme "Implementation of the Long-Term Athlete Development Program for Field Work Practice Partners (PKL) for Sports Coaching Education Students" virtually on Thursday, November 4, 2021.
As a resource person, Prof. Dr. Nining Widyah Kusnaik, S.Pd., M.Appl.Sc., explained about volleyball. In volleyball practice, there are several supporting sciences that must be considered, including, 1) Anatomy, 2) Adult physiology, 3) Psychology, 4) Motor learning, 5) Pedagogy, 6) Nutrition, 7) Biomechanics, 8) Biochemistry. , 9) Sport medicine, 10) Test & measurement and 11) Peadriatic physiology.
As for the concept of physical exercise for early childhood in playing volleyball, it can be grouped into one goal which includes the acquisition of children's joy, meeting and making friends with new friends, gaining comfort in playing volleyball, and being able to learn new techniques. Goals like this can be achieved if children's sports activities are in accordance with their abilities and needs.
The professor at the same time as physiology, strengthening and conditioning said that physical exercise for an early age could use the 'Coaches design and program themselves' method. This method is based on the assumption that one of the functions of the trainer is as a designer, program maker and developer of training programs. With a method like this, it will be easier for a coach to develop a physical exercise program for early childhood.
As for the composition of the physical exercise program for early childhood, the following steps can be followed which include, 1) setting goals, 2) adjusting the program to the level of development and growth of children, 3) analyzing and selecting the appropriate components of movement and physical ability, 4) connecting the components of analysis and movement and physical abilities, 5) packaging the program into a game or circuit.
Meanwhile, Drs. Machfud Irsyada, M.Pd., the coach of the Volleyball National Team, explained that on the one hand, the potential of Indonesian children in sports cannot be doubted. From an early age, children are familiar with volleyball, soccer, basketball and now futsal. Not only in the city, but in the area, sports are popular and even become a means of playing together in the late afternoon and even every weekend. While on the other hand, this potential is not managed properly. Many children are not guided and cared for. Finally, many Indonesian sports talents are lost as the children grow up and so on.
It should be, he continued, children who have the potential to be considered and then guided to certain and adequate conditions and according to their abilities. "It's a shame when the golden glow appeared from a young age and dimmed and just disappeared when they graduated. As if there is no responsibility and continuation of the potential they have," he said. (Saputra/Zam)
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