Unesa .ac.id & ndash; Surabaya Faculty of Sport Sciences (FIO) Unesa succeeded in graduating from the 3rd floor Auditorium (16/7). The event was attended by Dr. Setiyo Hartoto M.Kes. (Dean of FIO) Drs. Gatot Darmawan M.Pd. (Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs) Drs. Arif Bulqini M.Kes. (Deputy Dean for General and Finance) Abdul Hafidz S.Pd. M.Pd. (Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni) Drs. Machfud Irsyada M.Pd. (alumni of IKIP & rsquo; 93 as well as National Trainers) as well as other leaders of the FIO environment.
The judiciary held today graduated approximately 112 students from 3 departments at FIO namely the Department of Physical Education (40 yudisiawan / wati) the Department of Sports Coaching Education (24 judicates / wati) and the Department of Health and Recreation Education (48 yudisiawan / wati).
Of the total number of judicial participants there are 3 best judicial female-level faculty entitled. received awards namely Priska Okta Avia Martha (S1 in Sport Science) Laily Mita Andriana (S1 in Sport Training) and Desy Kartika Permatasari (S1 in Health and Recreation Education). The award is given in the form of a charter and money as a form of appreciation to judicial students who have received the best results while being students and received education at FIO.
In this activity Aditya Basuki a representative of judicates / wati had the opportunity to deliver his speech . In his speech Aditya thanked the leadership lecturers and employees of the FIO Unesa environment who had helped and contributed during the process of becoming a student.
Meanwhile in his remarks Setiyo Hartoto gave his advice to the judiciary / wati to always be humble and always practice the knowledge he received while being a student. In this case Setiyo Hartoto also said that the smart person loses with the lucky one. & ldquo; But I hope that brother yes clever yes lucky & rdquo; he concluded.
In addition to remarks from Setiyo Hartoto the judiciary / wati also received a message from Machfud Irsyada "Number one develops morality two develops morality three develops morality fourth develops achievement & rdquo; said the national coach. (hasna
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