Achmad Zaenuri, a Surabaya theater figure, conveyed the creative process behind the presentation of the book
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—Indonesian Literature Undergraduate Study Program (Sasindo), Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS), Surabaya State University (UNESA) held a Guest Lecture and Book Review at Joglo, FBS, Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, Surabaya on Friday, October 25 2024.
This book review is included in the Drama Studies Course program. The work being discussed is the book "The Silent Stage of Bengkel Muda Surabaya" by Achmad Zaenuri—an activist and representative of Bengkel Muda Surabaya, who was also present as a speaker.
Indonesian Literature Undergraduate Study Program Coordinator, Parmin said that this activity was important in revitalizing the spirit and intellectual traditions in the campus environment. Apart from that, for students, activities like this enrich knowledge related to course objectives.
"Activities like this can be a reference and inspiration for students in looking for study topics that can be used as final assignments or theses. Moreover, what is being discussed is the history of the development of theater in Surabaya, especially through Bengkel Muda Surabaya," he said.
Muhammad Erwan Saing, lecturer at MK Drama Studies emphasized the importance of students or the community exploring historical events related to drama as an important part in making breakthroughs in the future.
"With guest lectures and book reviews, students can be equipped with mental steel with character education which will later be found during the work production process," he said.
This can also train students in working lifestyles through insight outside campus. "For me, theater is not just a drama performance, but touches various areas of life," he said.

The Indonesian Literature Undergraduate Study Program Coordinator (right) handed over a plaque and souvenir to Achmad Zaenuri as lecturer Guests and Book Review.
In the material session, the theater figure who wrote the book conveyed various aspects related to his book. Bengkel Muda Surabaya (BMS), which is an important aspect in the book, was founded as a forum for the rehabilitation of children who has been involved in juvenile delinquency.
BMS facilitates the empowerment of these children who are expected to be able to channel their feelings through playing drama on stage by focusing more on the entertainment and realist approach rather than the existentialist aspect interviewed many young prisoners in prison to explore the background of these children's lives, and explore their motives for committing criminal acts.
He wrote their life stories which he turned into the text of a play after getting approval from the sources to adapt his story. It is the inner conflict of every human being that gives life or value to a story.
Zaenuri wrote about his journey in exploring the bitter experiences of children or teenagers in his debut book entitled "Theatre of Change." He emphasized that theater does not erase or erase good or bad memories of the past, but rather explores and improves the natural response to the memories themselves.
Theatre is a movement to adapt the value of the experience or script being staged. Theater tries to foster an honest attitude towards reality.[]
Reporter: Tarisa Adistia (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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