Fisipol leadership team, UNESA PPKn S-1 Study Program, and the committee together with the winners.
Unesa. ac.id, SURABAYA—In an effort to build national character and identity for the younger generation with the values of Pancasila, the Pancasila and Citizenship Education Undergraduate Study Program (PPKn), Surabaya State University is holding a national quiz competition on Saturday, October 5 2024.< /p>
The 12th annual PPKn competition with the theme "Creating Pancasila Students to Make a Golden Indonesia 2045" took place at Auditorium I6, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol), UNESA Campus 1 Ketintang.
Rianda Usmi, chairman of the committee, said that this year there are a total of 87 teams from SMA/SMK/MA equivalent levels who are ready to take part in the competition. The participants were spread from various regions, including Central Java, West Java, Bali, Lombok, and the furthest away from West Kalimantan.
“Participants came from various regions. The furthest away is the Singkawang area, West Kalimantan. "Compared to previous years, where the participants were dominated from East Java and Central Java," he added.
Then during the competition, participants can answer written questions that examine nationality, Pancasila, government of state institutions, as well as analyzing case studies in the form of videos and then holding debates with their opponents.
Deputy Dean I of Fisipol UNESA, Harmanto, said that currently the Indonesian nation is at a crucial point in preparing the young generation as future leaders who will continue the leadership of the nation in 2045 or the centenary year of independence.
In this era, Indonesia not only needs intelligent young generations, but also needs young generations with character and the spirit of Pancasila.
The young generation with character and a Pancasila spirit is the young generation who has integrity, empathy, a sense of responsibility and mutual cooperation towards society and the surrounding environment.
The character that is cultivated must have the dimensions of the Pancasila student profile. Of course, the hope is that participants can develop a spirit of critical thinking, collaboration, to support the abilities needed in the 21st century, integrity, honesty and good knowledge to welcome the year 2045.
In the assessment aspect, when entering the preliminary round, The jury selected 16 teams to advance to the final round. Especially in the semifinal and final rounds, the jury tested the participants' critical, creative and innovative thinking abilities.
Participants are assessed on how to behave politely when conveying suggestions, criticism, or solutions to social issues developing in society.
The Coordinator of the PPKn Undergraduate Study Program, Listyaningsih, said that this PPKn competition is a routine agenda held by the PPKn study program in order to sharpen and provide students with an understanding of the values of Pancasila.
The output is that students have a critical understanding of social issues developing in society through changes in attitudes that can be implemented in accordance with the values of Pancasila.
"Pancasila values are not only known, recognized, or they only have a level of understanding of Pancasila values, but they are also able to implement them in real life," he said.
For future follow-up, PPKn lecturers plan to develop scientific writing competitions based on practices that implement Pancasila values in society for middle school, high school and college levels. The base practices scientific work competition will be held in 2025.
In this competition, 1st place was won by SMAN 1 Ponorogo, 2nd place was won by SMAN 2 Nganjuk, 3rd place was won by SMAN 1 Bojonegoro, and runner-up was won by by SMAN 1 Ajibarang. Meanwhile, the most compact team was won by SMAN 4 Sidoarjo, the most exciting team was won by MAN 2 Probolinggo City, and the most creative team was won by SMAN 4 Denpasar.[]
Reporter: Zakarya Putra Soekarno (Fisipol) and Fionna Ayu Shabrina (FMIPA)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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