Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA -Around 150 participants from students, lecturers, researchers to practitioners enthusiastically participated and were involved in discussions about language and literature online yesterday (Tuesday, 12 July 2022). They are attending the “8th Paramasastra National Seminar” held by FBS with the theme “Language, Literature, and Learning”.
The event was opened by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Mintowati, M.Pd. He said, “Thank God the FBS annual agenda, namely the Paramasastra National Seminar, can be held again. Hopefully it can realize a wider exchange of knowledge."
The national seminar was chaired by Masilva Raynox Mael, M.Pd., a lecturer in the Japanese Language Department at UNESA. He revealed that this seminar aims to accommodate critical thinking and research in the scope of language, literature, and learning
There were three presenters, namely Prof. Dr. Imam Suyitno, M.Pd. Professor of the Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang, Prof. Dr. Subandi, MA. Professor of FBS UNESA, and Dr. Joko Sukoyo, M.Pd. FBS lecturer, Semarang State University (Unnes).
Prof. Imam Suyitno delivered the material "Understanding Culture in Indonesian Language Learning for Foreign Speakers (BIPA)". According to him, teachers must have sufficient understanding of the foreign culture of BIPA students. The goal is to make learning more effective and flexible.
"Understanding cultural backgrounds and orientations, namely about the nature of people, relationships with nature, to relationships with humans," he said.
Prof. Subandi presented the topic "Bourdieu's Symbolic Domination and Its Implementation in Public Discourse Texts". Bourdieu's symbolic dominance, he said, is an interesting study when it is used to explore current issues.
“Its implementation can be seen in bilateral relations in the west recently. Language has been exploited as a way to justify oneself and transformed into a practice of domination,” he explained.
Meanwhile, Dr. Joko Sukoyo as the third speaker explained his study of language and literature learning with the title "Joyful Learning Model". Joyful Learning is a learning model that aims to have fun and arouse students' interest, enthusiasm, and creativity.
The combination of traditional methods and digital-based methods is one way that is quite effective in learning. The key in Joyful Learning is to mix ideas and creativity that can make learning interesting for students. [UNESA PR]
Author: Muhammad Ari Rifqi Mubarok
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
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