Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya–The Ideology Development Center (PPI) LPPM UNESA together with the Center for Society and Culture (PMB) LIPI held a Focus Group Discussion forum on 'Strengthening Pancasila in the Digital Era' at the Unesa Student Center building on Friday (18/06/2021).
The event presented Dr. Imam Marsudi, M.Sc. as the Head of the PPI LPPM UNESA Center as a speaker guided by Ahmad Bashri, M.Si from PPI UNESA and Sihol Farida Tambunan from PMB-LIPI. The participants who attended were UNESA lecturers and students as well as some from other campuses.
Imam Marsudi explained that now is an era where digital dominates. All aspects of life are digitized. The flow of information flows rapidly every moment even seconds. There is good information and not a bit of information that can actually trigger disagreements between groups of understanding. Plus the spread of information about understandings and values that are contrary to Pancasila, such as violence and radicalism.
Therefore, he added, the 'digital world' must be used to strengthen the values of Pancasila both among students, the younger generation, and the community. The academic community must take a role in instilling and spreading the values of Pancasila in the community. "Students and lecturers must use digital media massively so that the generation is not easily influenced by teachings that are contrary to Pancasila," he said. "If not us, who else will contribute to improving the homeland," he said.
On that occasion, he also encouraged generation z and millennials to become "Pancasila ambassadors" wherever they are. In addition, the Ideology Development Center also needs to expand to promote the Pancasila ideology across countries so that it is better known globally. "We also need to instill an open way of thinking or an inclusive understanding in viewing differences as the spearhead in strengthening the values of Pancasila," he said firmly.
Sihol Farida Tambunan as the representative of PMB-LIPI expressed her gratitude for the FGD activities for the cooperation between UNESA and PMB LIPI. He added that in the future both UNESA and LIPI will continue to expand the network of cooperation between agencies so that the values of Pancasila can be recognized, implemented, and maintained by the nation's next generation. (Unesa Public Relations)
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