Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Every new academic year, the State University of Surabaya holds an introduction to new student campus life (PKKMB). Before the activity took place, new students received technical directions for the implementation of the PKKMB in the 2021 PKKMB Socialization event on Friday (20/08/2021).
The event, which was held online, aims to provide an overview of how PKKMB is implemented so that students are not confused and can prepare themselves to understand the materials in it. Of course, the hope is that the 2021 PKKMB can run smoothly and successfully.
On that occasion, Dr. Bambang Sigit Widodo, M.Pd. as the person in charge of PKKMB activities explained that there were 6,157 students who were declared accepted and had registered at the Surabaya State University and would take part in the 2021 PKKMB activities.
Bambang advised prospective students to prepare themselves physically and mentally in participating in the activities which will be held on August 23-27 2021. “This PKKMB activity is included in the non-academic assessment system (SIPENA). Sipena is mandatory for students who are going to graduate school," said the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni of FISH.
Meanwhile, Dr. Agus Hariyanto, M.Kes. as the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Alumni in his speech said, life is not hazing, but PKKMB activities will lead prospective students to get to know Unesa campus life.
"It is an obligation for all new students to take part in this activity and don't be afraid because PKKMB is not hazing, but we take younger students to also get an overview of the learning system at Unesa, and how to take studies so that they can be completed on time," he said.
In addition, Dr. Sifak Indana, M.Pd as the resource person at the event explained the themes and materials of the Unesa 2021 online PKKMB. In addition, it was also about new student admissions, names of PKKMB presenters, PKKMB assessment, PKKMB assessment components, supervision and evaluation, participant rules PKKMB, sanctions, and assignment details in the form of scientific articles.
PKKMB online 2021 carries the theme "Making Unesa Students Able to Think Critically, Creatively, Innovatively, Communicatively, Resiliently and Collaboratively to Work Together to Knit the Country Facing a Pandemic".
The opening or admission of new students, he continued, will be held on August 23, 2021, at 07.00-16.00 WIB, offline and online. There are representatives from each faculty as many as two new students who will take part offline, while other prospective students will take part online.
It is planned that the PKKMB activities will be attended by central officials; President of the Republic of Indonesia, Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Minister of Defense, Menpora, Governor of East Java, and others. Some of them were able to attend online and some sent a special greeting video to welcome the new students.
The second resource person, Rindu Puspita Wibawa, S.Kom, M.Kom., as the representative of the Information Technology Development Center (PPTI) team explained about VINESA and the PKKMB web to prospective students to be able to access all materials, a place to collect assignments, a place for prospective students to do their homework. presence. In this session, prospective students also practiced what the PPTI team representatives explained.
On the web page, prospective students will get assignments in each session after the material. “If the university assigns you, you upload it to the university assignment menu after that there is an upload button that you can use to manage assignments from university assignments. Likewise, if later given an assignment from the faculty, click on the faculty assignment menu," he said.
Next is the presence on Vinesa which is used by the academic community at Unesa for online or distance learning. "In Vinesa, specifically for the 2021 PKKMB activity, we have credited the class, in this class there will be materials that will be distributed," he said. (esti)
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